The Life of Bill Cosby ( ?° ?? ?°) | Teen Ink

The Life of Bill Cosby ( ?° ?? ?°)

November 21, 2014
By Pryec BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
Pryec BRONZE, Delray Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It can be very dangerous placing trust in the wrong person. Let me tell you about a time when a young Bill Cosby had to learn this lesson the hard way. As a resident of South Dakota, Bill Cosby was just your regular stand-up comedian. In the early 90s, Bill was just starting to make his way as a comedian. He had gotten more chances to perform and the size of his audiences were rapidly increasing. Bill had gone from a local comedian to a nationally known celebrity almost overnight. Bill had also influenced, not only comedy, but fashion as well. Bill became known for something called the “Cosby Sweaters,” which were the kind of sweaters received during the holidays that were thick, itchy, and kind of ugly. With his newfound popularity, many companies wanted his image to endorse their products.
Bill was called to have a meeting with the Jello Executives about having him endorse their new pudding line. The Jello executives were manipulative and sinister businessmen, hidden behind a friendly product. The meeting started off with the Jello execs introducing their new product for Bill to endorse. “Recently Jello has been experiencing a fall in revenue. We think this is because of this new gelatinous desert called Pudding.” Bill had never even heard of this thing called Pudding and was intrigued by the company’s offer. “How do you expect me to endorse some flippity doodad i’ve never even heard of before?” Just then Bill was handed a sample of this “Pudding” and his mind was immediately made up.

For years, Bill Cosby was happy promoting Jello brand pudding. His comedy career thrived and he told many funny joke. Although Bill felt like he was helping the hippity hoppin’ kids by promoting such a healthy and nutritious snack, he always felt that there was something he was not being told. Over time, this feeling of being in the dark compelled Bill to take a trip down to the Jello executive office. When Bill entered the towering office building, he was greeted by the Jello executives. In unison all 21 executives said “You silly joke man, you have not realized that we had fooled you from day one!”  Almost in tears Bill cried out “I trusted you boys, how could you betray ol’ Bill like this!” The executives chuckled rather creepily and gestured for Bill to leave.
Bill had stayed at home for weeks wondering why he had been so trusting and gullible. Bill continued to endorse other products such as Kodak film and New Coke. There came a point where people no longer thought Bill to be as funny as he once was. Bill had enough of feeling sad for himself and moved away to start anew and redeem himself for how foolish he had been. Right when Bill’s life was getting to the best it would ever be, it was all taken away because of a small mistake in giving trust. Even a decade after Bill leaving Jello he can never actually escape what was left behind. On Bill’s his way to work every morning he passes Jello Pudding billboards, Jello packing plants, and the towering Jello Executive Office.

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