cat fish sandwhich attack | Teen Ink

cat fish sandwhich attack

May 28, 2014
By lakeina BRONZE, Flint, Michigan
lakeina BRONZE, Flint, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cat Fish Sandwhich Attack
There was this cat named Fifi she was 6 months very selfish and had a bad attitude if she didn’t get what she wanted. So this one day Fifi was hungry she wondered off walking along the way she started to smell something really good she followed the smell. It lead her to a big building with a sign that had a big M. It was Mcdonalds she already knew what she wanted fish sand which and milk shake so she tried to go into the building but the door wouldn’t open suddenly she heard something coming from the trash can. So she waited in front of the door to see what would come out soon later a cat came out he walked up to Fifi and said hi my name is Stevie .Fifi introduce herself then she said what were you doing behind the trash Stevie replied I was looking for food. So Ffi had a idea she said if you help me open the door then you could get some food with me. Stevie said what kind of food is in there Fifi replied sand whiches , milk shakes an etc. 2 hours the door still not open they tried everything. Fifi said I give up walking away nice meeting you she said to Stevie. Stevie shouted the door is opening Fifi quickly turned around Standing in the door was Ronald Mcdonald he said may I help you both cats stood in shock for a minute then Fifi said yes I would like a catfish sand which and a milk shake me too said Stevie .Ronald Mcdonald let them in an began to make their food he found out he could only make one cause the machine was empty. Fifi and Stevie began to argue why they were so busy arguing Ronald Mcdonald realized that he was hungry himself so he decide to eat it .When the Fifi and Stevie noticed the sand which an milk shake was gone they was even madder but this time at Ronald Mcdonald so they eat him It took like a hour to eat him all up. When they was finished they had so much gas they blew the whole building down . Later in time they renewed Mcdonalds and that’s the cat fish sandwhich attack story

The author's comments:
I hope to get laughter from people an I hope my story is very intertaining .I hope people like it

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