The Tail of a Fairy | Teen Ink

The Tail of a Fairy

May 18, 2014
By HenrysWife BRONZE, Kohler, Wisconsin
HenrysWife BRONZE, Kohler, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Tail of a Fairy

There once was a princess who lived in her father’s kingdom- she had lived there all her life. She slept in the same bed, spoke to the same people, and carried on doing the same activities day after day. As one could assume, the princess grew board of the same activities and people. She demanded for original entertainment. The king accepted this tantrum with a declaration to his kingdom stating that whoever could come to his castle with a prepared act of some-sort may have the possibility of becoming the next heir.

They searched and searched for cheap entertainment and decided to have a talent show every night for the princess; each contestant had unique talents from riding a unicycle to having conversations with a dog. One night a particular man came to the stage dressed in all black complete with a cape. He started his act doing simple tricks using cards. As he continued, each trick seemed more and more challenging, such as making a guard float horizontally. It was nearing the end of the show when he began his last trick- suddenly black smoke filled the room and there was a loud “boom.” When the smoke cleared everyone saw that the magician was gone as was the princess.
The guards searched the castle and everyone helped search the kingdom. Days passed and there were no signs of the princess. The king was devastated and frustrated. He even had set a lucrative award for the brave soul who could find his beloved daughter and return her home safely. He carried much regret and could not handle this stress that he was being forced to carry. He could not help but offer and even bigger award: his kingdom.

With this offer, all the men in the kingdom searched for days on end. Many on horse back along the boarder, and some even dared to walk on foot through the kingdom’s haunted forest. Every man was feeling that it was their destiny to find the princess and return her home safely.

A farmer who lives in the kingdom felt it was necessary to find the princess and wanted to help the depressed king. With his past experiences protecting his farmland, he was confident that he could complete this task. He began by looking around in simple locations, but soon concluded that that would be too easy. He searched and searched; finally he decided to look outside the kingdom’s walls. This is something that nearly nobody has done before. He still searched for a number of days until he came across a menacing black castle that was guarded by a dragon in the middle of a forest. With his courageous attitude, he proceeded forward across the rickety dark draw bridge hung by chains. His knees shook, his ankles quivered, he didn’t even know which way to go once he entered. He decided to go left, but once he heard a loud thud, he knew that was the wrong way to go. He looked up and saw a dreadful, horrible creature. He was face to face with a rascal that grew big and tall, with pointy horns coming from behind its ears. The bold knight nearly surrendered just at the sight of the horrendous monster but remembered how far he had come.

He drew his sword from his scabbard, simply for protection against the hairy brute. To his surprise the beast did not move, it kept staring straight ahead choosing not to look down at the knight. After the Knight quickly darted off he turned and noticed that the strange-being did not follow him. He continued down the long hallway of black tile, until he found a staircase with lit torches leading to the top. With caution he proceeded. There at the top, there were more sets of forbidden walkways. He continued his search until he came across a large chamber. He wiggled the doorknob- strangely, it was unlocked. He crept into the room to find the princess sitting in a chair placed in the corner. She rose immediately when she noticed the knight entering. She opened her mouth in awe, but did not say a word; she was stunned that he even found her. Without any words spoken, they quickly ran through the door holding hands dashing out towards the entrance. They followed the lit stairwell to the first level, but when they saw a brisk move of a cape before their eyes they knew that their escape would not be an easy one. They cautiously took steps backwards up the stairs but they knew it was too late. The suspicious knight in his cape and mask was already prepared for his battle. The encounter took only three quick swifts of the Knights sword for the Dark Slayer to fall in defeat. When the encounter was over, the Princess and the Knight continued on their way home.

When they arrived back to the kingdom, they were welcomed with a celebration. Tears from the King’s eye fell and many hugs were exchanged in happiness. There was relief throughout the land. The King kept his word to the modest knight who nearly forgot what he had earned. The kingdom that he had once owned would then be transferred into the poor farmer’s name. The princess was so overjoyed with being home safely and so thankful for the Knights brave actions that she fell in love with him, they were married, and “lived happily ever after.”

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