The Hurting Boy | Teen Ink

The Hurting Boy

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

“You’re the worst boyfriend ever! You never do nothing right!” Gertrude screamed at me.

You would think that this boyfriend would be shocked by what she just said, right? Well, guess what, I’m not. Gertrude shouted this at me on a daily basis. I’m Adam and I’m a 21 year old male who is being verbally abused. I have always been the kid that is not always the coolest, but I worked my hardest to woo the girls. Once I got one I always treated them well. I met Gertrude my freshman year of college. She seemed like a really nice girl. She was always complimenting me on things such as my smile, eyes and my toned body. Who could blame her, my eyes were a dark brown with a cool green birthmark in my left eye, my smile made anyone smile, and I lifted every day. Gertrude and I started dating shortly after we started talking. Everything seemed to be going well, or so I thought.

Months passed and seasons changed we were still happy, till summer came around. Family is a major part of my life, heck they are my best friend. All of the cousins on my mom side live in a cabin on the lake my grandma does. The cabin is not too far from my parents’ house and aunt and uncles house. Well, all of the cousins had returned from college or finished another year of high school. We were all together all the time, it was normal till Gertrude got jealous. One night I guess I wasn’t paying enough to her. She sends me a text with high priority. I started to read the text that had appeared on my screen. My heart stops as I read I’m pregnant. Was it true? It can’t be true we were so careful. I called her crying and freaking. I was crying so hard that I didn’t even notice she wasn’t crying and that she was laughing. My body stiffened as I heard the laughter.

“What is so funny?” I asked her

“I’m not pregnant I was just mad you wouldn’t talk to me and I knew that would get you to talk to me!” She announced

I hung immediately after she said that. Who would do that a person? That is just rude. Most people would have ended things with the girl at that time. Well, I didn’t. She continued to pull stunts with me and I continued to pull away, till one day a girl helped me leave her.

During the summer I heard that the high school needed an assistant coach and I was asked to coach. I showed up the first day and there was the most beautiful girl. She was blonde, had crystal blue eyes and a beautiful smile. I sat down next to her and just and we started to talk and laugh like crazy. She was perfect. She was beautiful all around. Her name was Lillian, even the name was beautiful. She was the manager. I drove home after practice just thinking about her. When I got home I had a text from her that said

“This may sound crazy because I just met you but, I really think that I may have feelings for you. I would love to get together sometime hang out and get to know you.”

My heart stopped is it true? I replied as soon I regained the feeling in my body.

“I would love to get to know and hanging out because, I think I might like you too.”
After the text I called her and we talked all night. Then I decided to tell her about Gertrude. I started and she went silent, and then I heard a slight whimper. Was she crying? Oh my god she was!

“Why are you crying?” I asked.

“It’s just so sad that someone would do that. Take away yourself confidents make you feel little. How rude is that. You need to end that she is no good for you. You are the nicest person in the world and she is taking that away. You deserve better!” she answered between sobs.
After that we said our good nights and hung up. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about Lillian had said. She was wrong I don’t deserve better I deserve what I am getting. By morning I had finally caught what she was saying. I needed to end it I am no longer me she has taking all my pride and self-confidence. I picked up my phone dialed Gertrude’s number.

“Hello” she said all cheerful

“Gertrude we are done! You are no good for me you have taken away everything I had. You have done nothing but hurt me. Good bye forever!” I yelled at her and hung up.

I can’t believe that I did it I actually ended it. I called Lillian as soon as I got off the phone with Gertrude.

“Hello?” she asked
“Guess what?! I ended things with her we are all good to hang out and get to know each other no distractions!” I exclaimed
“Wait… what? You ended things with her? You actually ended things?” Lillian asked shocked

“Yes after thinking all night I came to realize you were right I do deserve better. I also know who I want to be the girl that treats me better, you!”

“Me? You really want me? A girl who is 4 years younger than you?” Lillian asked

“Yes because you are perfect and you taught me I have to love myself and not let anyone take away my self-confidence. Lillian I have one question for you. Will you be my girlfriend?” I asked her

“Yes I will! But I have to go to school now talk to you later bye.” she answered.

I can’t believe it, I not only ended things with Gertrude but I have a girlfriend that will treat me good. I’m finally where I need to be

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