Halo ODST | Teen Ink


March 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
It was quiet. Jeremy Olsen and Sam Levil his brother in arms were in their bunks,sleeping, after having worked hard the day before. Their small, 5x6 meter long room was instantly lit up by the flashing yellow emergency lights. The alarms went out screeching an emergency protocol. Both of them shot up from their beds, as their sleep was suddenly interrupted. “Jeremy, we got to get to the armory. Now!” Sam shouted over the alarms.

Jeremy could barely hear him. Using the emergency release, they shoved the door open from their room, and sprinted down the lowly lit up hallway. All they could see was the flashing of yellow lights.They managed to turn the corner, and jolt down the hallway. They could see others in the same urgency, leaving their rooms and sprinting for the armory. The heavy steel door was opening as they Olsen and Levil made it to the armory, in which they had to wait for it to unlock. They were the 4th partnership to arrive. As soon as it was fully open, the light inside flashed green and they ran inside. They each went to their locker, Olsen’s and Levil’s right next to each other. Their lockers were towards the end of the hallway, so they were almost last in their group to get to their personal armor and weaponry. Olsen opened up his locker with the combination that was seared in his brain. “27-29-39” he whispered, even though he couldn’t hear himself. As soon as he got it open, he looked to Levil, who was already suiting up. Olsen knew he was behind, so he tried to quicken his pace. Body armor. Torso first. He rushed as he pulled his black, heavily armoured vest over him. He then got his girdle on, quickly put his shinguards on, and then proceeded to put his forearm guards on. He checked his body, and made sure no part of his body was exposed. Last, he got his helmet on, in the dark room, that was only lit by the yellow emergency lights.

As soon as he got his helmet on, he turned the night vision on, and it suddenly lit up the room. The yellow ally circles appeared on the radar at the bottom left of his screen. He could now see that he wasn’t behind. Everyone had also just got their armor on. Olsen was almost all ready to go. He then proceeded to get his gadgets strapped to his utility belt. 2 frags, 3 magazines of ammo, and a magnum just incase. He got his assault rifle loaded and ready to go, and put it on safety, just encase he accidentally brushed it in the armory. Olsen counted 7 yellow circles on his radar. That was good. His whole squad was prepped and ready to go.

They lined up from the opposite side they had come in. They formed 2 lines, in front of the cargo bay doors. “Check!” Stan shouted. Kenzie then shouted “Check!” one by one, they all shouted until 6 more voices had announced check. Stan then pressed the button to open the cargo bay doors. He stepped back into formation, and they all waited, as the slow, solid doors opened. There were no emergency lights at all in that room. Fortunately, their visor provided night vision. They kept in formation, as they entered the unknown room slowly. Kenzie and Stan checked the corners. “All clear!” Kenzie shouted. “Alright guys, were gonna enter the jungle now, weapons at the ready.” They moved to the opposite side of the room, while staying in formation. When everyone one was prepared, Stan then pressed the button to open the door. These seemed to have taken even longer than before. As it opened, the brightness of the sun flooded the room, and blinded all of the ODST’s. Jeremy then immediately turned his night vision off, and was still blinded for a second, but could then see clearly after that. As the doors opened wider, Jeremy could see the outside of the dark, solid fortress they had been living in for the past several years.

“Ah, it’s good to be out here again.” “Jeremy, keep the comms clear please.” responded Stan. “yes sir.” Jeremy replied, a little embarrassed. As they moved out of the building, they could smell the jungle, the breathable air, instead of being stuck inside buildings for the past couple of months. Its nice to get a little break from the fortress. Jeremy thought to himself. It had been a little over 6 months since he left the building. “Where are they?” Tanmay asked.

“Quiet Tanmay” As soon as Stan responded to Tanmay’s question, A stun round whizzed passed Stan’s head. “Into the trees!” Stan shouted. They bolted into the the trees, as bullets were flying passed their bodies. As Sam made it to a tree, he looked over to make sure Jeremy was there. He looked across the trees and saw Sam taking cover behind a tree. Jeremy then looked on his radar, and saw red dots moving in. “They’re closing in on us!” Jeremy shouted. “Formation Delta!” Stan shouted. They then moved into a formation that was shaped like an arrowhead. Sam spoke with urgency to Stan, saying “If we stay here we’ll get pinned down! We’ve gotta move forward and spread out, just so were not boxed in!” he liked it, so he answered “Alright, you heard him, formation Delta, but start moving to Alpha formation!” This was their attack formation, and the outsides of the arrowhead spread out, hoping to flank their incoming attackers. As Jeremy’s squad moved forward, They could see the red dots starting to slow down. “Keep moving in!” Stan said through the comms. As their squad kept moving, Jeremy saw 2 yellow x’s on the screen.

“We got 2 men down! I repeat, 2 men down!” Jeremy shouted. Tanmay and Kenzie were hit, and lying on the jungle ground. “We’ve gotta keep moving forward! The only way we can help them is by getting to our objective!” Stan replied. Jeremy then looked around, and on his visor saw an objective point that read 237 meters away. He then looked at his radar and saw there were only 5 circles left. As they kept closing in and shooting at what they thought might be the enemy, the approached the 200 meter mark. Jeremy was on the very tip of the attack formation, and saw 2 red marks coming in on his side.

“They’re trying to flank us!” Jeremy said over the comms with urgency. He could see stun rounds fly past his head, and sprinted to get to a new position. As he slid to a fallen trunk, he could hear the thuds on the tree he was hiding behind. The 2 red dots were coming closer, and started to surround him. He took a peek through the hole in the trunk, and saw two figures sprinting towards his position. He aimed through the tiny hole, and fired. He felt the kick on his shoulder from his assault rifle, but kept his finger on the trigger. He then saw on his radar the red dot disappeared. “One down, one to go.” He said to himself. He then saw the other red dot disappear, and saw a figure fall to the ground. Sam came rushing in from the left.

“Thanks, Sam.” “No problem.” Sam responded. “We have to keep moving towards the objective point! “They heard stan say. Jeremy saw no red dots on his radar, so he and Stan swiftly sprinted forward. Taking cover behind trees and any debris they saw, they would check to make sure it’s clear, then move forward. They did this until they were about 50 meters away. “Sam, climb that tree, and try to snipe out whoever is left!” Stan said. Sam then proceeded to carry out this order, and looked inside the building. “The objective point is definitely there, but there are 5 tangos inside!”

“How many ways inside?”

"I see 2!”

“Olsen, Petit, on me!” Stan said. “Levil, out of that tree and take the second entrance with Johnson! On my mark, we storm the place.” As Stan counted, Jeremy could feel every one of his breaths heavily. “Mark!” Olsen saw Levil and and Johnson sprint towards the back of the building. Jeremy assumed thats where the second entry was. Olsen, Petit, and Stan then sprinted towards the left, where the 1st entry was located. Petit and Olsen set up on both sides of the door, then Stan kicked it open. Olsen and Petit stormed the building, simultaneously Levil and Johnson came in from the back. Everyone then began shooting at each other. Olsen was pelted to the ground by multiple bullets. As he was on the ground, he looked in his chest and saw a bullet holes in his chest.

”Olsen’s got a round in him!” Levil shouted. Jeremy’s eyelids started to close, and he then couldn’t control them. The darkness closed in on him, and that was the last thing he remembered.

The author's comments:
It was fun to write.

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