mischief maker | Teen Ink

mischief maker

December 16, 2013
By Emme Thomas BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Emme Thomas BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I bumped into the redhead that I had met in the Castle Market before.
"You're never going to reach the princess that way, dummy." said the girl with a

<Yeah, kinda figured that one out, thanks.>

I gave an embarrassed nod. "Yeah, what ever happened to the guest is always

"You know the saying is the *customer* is always right, right?"

"It is? There's only one shop where I come from and the shopkeeper Buzo always
calls everyone wrong.'That Deku cake cost five Rupees last time I was here!' " I
shook my finger, imitating the asinine way he tried to haggle with his
customers"' No, no. It was always fifteen Rupees. Look at the price tag, do you
see five Rupees on there? No? I thought so.So you are most certainly wrong. Now
pay up!'"

Malon stifled a laugh and admitted "Well that's certainly one way to get money
from customers!" Her tone soon sobered, even if her eyes didn't. "Well, Fairy
Boy, you needed to get to the princess for your 'super secret mission' right?
Look, do you see over there?" I took a second to register what she was talking
about. It looked like the wall over where she was pointing was covered in thin
tendrils interwoven with the rock. "That over there is a patch of ivy that the
soldiers are too lazy to cut. If you climb that, you might have a guard or two
you'll have to dodge, after that you should be right at the inner moat of the
castle. I know because I've used it before- goddesses, my dad had a COW when he
found out- he's actually rather funny to watch when he's mad, it's like
watching a-" she let the sentence slip from her tongue and her eyes dimmed ever
so slightly. "Anyway, I bet you can get into the castle that way.

"I- I don't know how to thank you..."

"I know how." Whisps of a smile flitted across her face. "Don't."


"Before you go, take this." Redhead handed me something that looked a
bit like a kazoo, only it was painted like a cucoo with a crest of painted
feather sticking out on top.

"That thing is a 'Cucoo Caller.' It imitates a rooster crowing, which usually
helps us corral all the cucoos and allows us herd them into them in their pens
when it's necessary. The funny thing is that ,as lazy as my father is, he always
manages to wake up at the sound of the morning Cucoos. So with that in mindthis
should get him up in no time! Keep it when you're done. There's plenty more
where that thing came from.

" Alright, but I still don't know why you're doing this..."

" I... Guess I just have a good feeling about you."

My eyes left the thing she had just handed to look her squarely in the
eyes, but before I could catch it, she had started walking away.

"one last thing! Tell him that Malon is waiting at the castle entrance."

I decided to let my earlier question drop. "So your name is Malon?"

"The one and only!"

"Thanks Malon! I won't forget this!"


I found myself on a cliff surveying the castle gate. There I still saw little
malon singing away as i had left her just half an hour ago. But how could i talk
to her without the guard noticing? I came upon a less than perfect solution <
the slingshot cant hurt too bad...you know... as long as I don't fling it too
hard...> I pulled out my slingshot and set the notch at a little bit more than
halfway with my deku nut with a piece of paper I had scrounged from the pits of
my pouch with the words "look up"tied ot it and let fly.

It hit her head on, making her singing go more than a little out of pitch. she
picked up the projectile and looked up to my face and locked eyes. she gestured
to the nut and threw her hands up into the air in universal what-the-heck-was-that-for?!-gesture.
I scratched my head shrugged my shoulders. I pointed to the ground, then to to
myself, and threw my fists in the air in victory.

She rolled her eyes and nodded and mouthed * Yes, I see that.* a thumb in
front of her pointing towards a distants guard and mouthed *shoo shoo! the
guards will see you before long!* I nodded and sprinted away... Right after I
gave a little victory grin.

Before long the castle loomed in front of me.

The author's comments:
PLEASE give criticism! I want to better my writing! Just don't give unjust hate, cuz dat just aint right.

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