December 11, 2013
By hozaifa gohar BRONZE, Stockton, California
hozaifa gohar BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started when a kid named Terry was coming out of a movie theater with his parents and some men came and shot his parents and they were just about to shoot terry to when the police came. They took all of their belongings all their money the police saw terry on the floor “send this kid to an orphanage,” The police officer said. “No” another police officer said. “I will take him to my house and send him to an orphanage in the morning.” he said. During the night the policeman tossed and turned and wondered what he should with the kid.
2 years later when Terry is 5 years old and he is sleeping in his room. Terry wakes up and says “Oh darn I am going to be late for school.” Terry says. Then he remembers that it is a Saturday, but he wakes up anyway and takes a shower and starts watching TV. The night that terry was took home by that police officer the police officer decided to keep him with him but he never told him who his parents were and that they died he always told that he is his father and his mom died in an accident.

The police officer still tell terry about his real parents and he is thinking about telling terry about his parents “Should I tell terry about his real parents or not.” Then he thinks about for a long time and “I not going to tell him.” He is coming from work and gets attacked by some people their wearing masks they throw him on the floor and ask him “where is the kid,” “What kid, I do not know.” Then he takes their gun and stands up they try to run but the police officer Danny catches the men and he asks them who they are where they came from and they say “Where doctor Conner’s men and he is trying to make robots that look like humans act like humans but are smarter, faster, and stronger but he needs human brains for it.” Now that Danny knows Doctor Conner’s evil plans he can save the world but first he has to keep terry safe.

Now is in high school has the best grades in the whole school and he is good in sports to he has found out about his parents and the evil scientist and he has decided he will save the world from Doctor Conner’s. “You can never stop me terry never.” Doctor Conner’s said. Terry is walking home and he finds this old place and goes inside and finds out that he is in Doctor Conner’s laboratory and spies on doctor Conner’s at first he thinks about attacking but then he saw his guards and changed his mind. Now that terry knows where Doctor Conner’s is he can stop him from making those robots but he needs to tell the police officer where Doctor Conner’s is. Terry is going to tell the police officer but before he can tell him he is attacked and knocked out and taken to Doctor Conner’s laboratory and when he comes to his senses he finds himself in doctor Conner’s laboratory. When he tries to move he finds that he is tied he somehow unties himself and gets away from the place when he gets home he tells Danny about the incident “They kidnapped me and could’ve killed.” Terry said. “I will look into this we have to save the world from terror by the way have you told anyone,” Danny said. “No I haven’t but we will need help because we can’t face them alone we will need reinforcements we can get them in the morning.” Terry said. It is morning now and they get reinforcements and go to Doctor Conner’s lab and they find out that doctor Conner’s found out that they were coming and he left the place. But what he didn’t take was one of his androids. The police do tests on him and find out he was just about to be activated. But then Doctor Conner’s found out that the police were just coming so he just left it there. They took the android to a scientist told them that he could activate it and make it on their side and he can fight just like the other androids or if they want him stronger then he can even destroy the other ones so they made him a super android.

“Officer Danny the android is ready and he is stronger than ever he is as powerful as three million humans, and he is way stronger than the androids that doctor Conner’s has made he can take them all out in one shot, he has bullets in his right hand index finger and the bullets are made from titanium (Which is the strongest metal in the world.).” “But they’re more in number.” Terry said. “Doesn’t matter if there is a thousand of them this android is way stronger than them, but it needs a human to start and that person has to be in their the time they fight, whatever that person does the android will do that to so we need a person whose fast with his hands feet everything.”

“I will do it.” Terry said. “But why do you want to do it.” Danny said. “Because I want to avenge my parents, that evil scientist, Doctor Conner’s killed my parents, and he killed his companion my dad, I will avenge my parent’s death, Doctor Conner’s get ready to die.” “Okay if you decided to do this then I am not going to stop you Terry.” Terry is getting inside the armor and he is planning to kill Doctor Conner’s first then he thinks that if he kills Doctor Connor’s first then all the androids will attack him and they might overpower him if he is not ready to fight them then he will die.
“I will have to get that suit from that kid Terry and put it on myself, and then I will rule the world.” Doctor Connor’s said. Doctor Connor’s sends his androids to get the armor from Terry, and he thinks that the androids will be able to defeat the super android is way better than them and he will defeat them easily. Terry is going to Doctor Connor’s lab and he finds out that the androids are coming to confront him “I guess I have to destroy these androids if they want to die so bad.” The android are at the place where terry is and they are looking for him. “Android thirteen did you spot subject yet.” “No android fifteen did you spot the suspect yet.” “Why would I ask you idiot android thirteen?” “I don’t know stupid android fifteen; we didn’t find him yet because of you.” All of a sudden terry comes out and starts firing at them, he destroys half the androids are dead. “You androids shouldn’t have come here now all of you will be destroyed and then I will destroy your maker Doctor Connor’s.”

Terry has destroyed the androids, and is headed for Doctor Connor’s he reaches Doctor Connor’s lab and looks for Doctor Connor’s. “Where are you Doctor Connor’s stop hiding and come face me you coward.” Doctor Connor’s comes out and he is in armor to it turns out that he had an android saved for something like this, and it is as strong as the android that terry is in, they get into a big battle and so far terry is winning over Doctor Connor’s, and he just needs to make his laser beam reach Doctor Connor’s heart and Doctor Connor’s will be dead terry is getting closer and closer to defeating Doctor Connor’s and finally the laser beam reaches Doctor Connor’s heart and he dies on the spot Terry win the battle. “I did it; I beat him, and avenged my parents.”

Four years later now terry is famous at college and he even has his own science lab all for himself. He is really happy and he can live the rest of his life very easily. “Hasta la vista folks.”

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