Slytherin's curse (chapter 1) | Teen Ink

Slytherin's curse (chapter 1)

October 1, 2013
By KatPKirkman BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
KatPKirkman BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Change me back” hissed a mournful voice “Please, if anyone can hear me, save me from this retched body…!” The hissing voice called into narrow pipes. Harry had no clue what he was hearing, no clue where the voice was originating from. It had called for help more than once, calling that it did not want to kill the poor girl. It had yelled and screamed that the students’ lives were precious. It was not the first time Harry had heard the voice call for help or screamed in its grief.

Now Harry could not sleep. The voice had screamed earlier that it did not want to kill her. It had screamed for someone to come and release him so he could help. The voice called out its woe, and the fear of killing a child. Now Harry was not able to sleep knowing someone or something was in pain. He decided to help. Harry followed the voice that echoed through the walls, along crevices and around statues. In his invisibility cloak, he entered the bathroom they were in earlier that year. It was Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. The voice was echoing throughout the whole room.

This got Harry thinking: the voice was not coming from the room; however, it was coming from underneath it. So how would he get into the pipes? He remembered that his friends could not hear the voice or he would have helped whoever it was sooner. The owner of the hissing voice began to call louder “The girl does not have much time. Please help!”

Panic set into Harry’s stomach and he began to search the room for an entrance to the pipes below. He searched along the walls, looking in the grates along them. He did not even bother looking near the toilets, as they were just that. He did look along the sink, checking the grates, running his hands along the bottom of the bowls of the sinks, and looking closely inside the bowls. Harry began inspecting the faucets; he had searched there before he found a tiny serpent shaped carving. It was at the base of the faucet furthest from the door to the bathroom.

Harry understood now that the monster was a snake, and this was the entrance to the mythical Chamber of Secrets. Harry whispered Open,” and the sink began to spread apart leaving an opening to a pipe. Harry gazed down it for all but a second and then jumped and braced himself for impact. He landed in a pile of fish bones.

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