My life being a pen | Teen Ink

My life being a pen

June 3, 2013
By Emily Finkenstead BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Emily Finkenstead BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, I’m Mitch, I live in a town called Penville, It’s right over the river by Pencil city. I hang with my friends more than anybody else in the world. A lot of my old friends think differently of me because I met new friends that are little different.
It all started when my old friends and I were walking home, and suddenly, out of nowhere, my old friend Steve said, “Let’s go inking.” Inking is when you go write on new, freshly made paper. It was law that you could not go inking on fresh new paper unless you were 20 years old. All of my friends agreed to going but I just made up a little white lie and said I had to go home.
The next day, they were all talking about it, and how they were going to do it again. I was worried; I didn’t know what I should do. At the end of the day, I ran and ran and ran until my legs were hurting. I stopped at the river, and sat down and watched the water move. Then, I looked over, and I saw pencils. They were yelling at me, and I didn’t know what they were saying. I walked over, and saw about four of them, and had a little conversation with them. They were actually pretty cool; they even said we should meet up again. Before the pencils walked away, all four of them gave me their numbers. I was really shocked; I said okay, thanks, and walked home.
The next day, my friends were angry at me that I didn’t go inking with them. My old friends said I have to go inking with them, or I can’t be their friend. I was crushed; I don’t know what to do. I agreed that I would go home fast and call the pencils and hang with them for today. When I heard the bell rang at my school, I got up and went straight home. When I got home, I went right to the phone and called the first number that I had. He answered, I was so relieved and asked if he and his other friends would like to meet up for a dinner. For the first time, he finally said his name to me. His name was Tip, and we said we would meet up at Inkline at about 6 o’clock. We hung up and I went to go get ready, I wrote a note to my parents saying I would be getting dinner with my friends.
When I got there, I saw all four of them waiting for me. I walked over there and sat down next to Tip. Tip introduced all of his friends, and pointed to each one saying their name. I was acting really shy, and wasn’t saying much. The waitress came over and took all of our orders and then left. We started talking about random things that would make us laugh. Out of nowhere, my pen friends come in the restaurant. I scared out of my mind; I didn’t want them to think I left them for my new friends. I was trying to look away and hide, but they saw me. They come over and said what kind of friend am I? I didn’t answer because I was in shock. All of my new pencil friends looked at me. I stood up and said, “Look, I’m sorry but if you don’t want to be my friend because I want to hang with pencils or not going inking with you, then fine, so be it.” My pen friends looked at me and said fine, you are no longer our friend. They walked away and went right out of the door of Inkline. My pencils looked at me and said I was one of the best pens they ever met, and that we hopefully will become wonderful friends. We finished up our dinner and said our goodbyes. They said we will hang out again soon. I was so overjoyed that I meet such wonderful new friends.

The author's comments:
I really enjoyed writing this story.
What inspired this story is my friend.
My friends are always there for me and I feel like this story could help
anybody that is having trouble with
their friends.

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