PowerFul Story | Teen Ink

PowerFul Story

May 29, 2013
By Miguel M BRONZE, Kent, Washington
Miguel M BRONZE, Kent, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

*Sigh* I set the ball down slowly in the ground; I look up as there is a wall of 5 players and behind them a goalkeeper. I take 5 steps back, look at where I want to aim the ball, my eyes look straight to the upper right corner, I stand still for almost 15 seconds then someone yells.
“Why you making such a big deal out of it it’s not the final yet”. I look and smile at my teammate Diego. I look back at my target I shoot. GOAL right in the place I wanted it.
“Hahaha nice shot” said Diego.
“But you know it’s going to be harder to score on Barcelona right”. I look back at him and say
Barcelona is one of the most fearful teams in the world I would call them my enemy because there’s been a rivalry between Madrid and Barcelona “There’s not a challenge I don’t like” I replied. Then after 20 seconds of silence Diego said
“Let’s go eat?” I look at my phone, 11:30 I had lost track of time I didn’t relies I’ve been in the pitch for almost 5 hours.
“What time is the final tomorrow?” I asked,
“I don’t know at about 10:00 at night”, He said
“But do you want to go eat or not” Diego asked.
“No man I’m ok, I really got to rest because theirs practice like at 3:00 tomorrow, you should go rest to.
“Hahahahah ok little baby go home to sleep” Said Diego.
“Hahahahah yeah I might be a baby but that’s because your 3 years older”. I replied in laughter

I’m scared, I’m a little bit nervous well a lot, I wonder if we could win last time we met in the league we tied 2-2, *Sigh* were in the kick off line me and Lamela standing in the middle of the field There’s about 20 seconds of silence. And suddenly the ref blows the whistle I pass to Erik he sends it to the defender I look back and I’m pretty sure it only took me 20 seconds to look back and GOAAAALLLL, we are down by 1 already I couldn’t believe it I yelled

“Ahhhhhhhhh”.Kick off again from the middle of the field its barely minute 2 and we are losing 1-0,Minute 34 and still down by 1 I yell at Yesil,
“Heeeeyyy paasssss” Yesil passes the ball to me in the air, I take the ball juke 4 defenders with my amazing skills, then I center it to Diego GOOAAALLL, 1-1 WE tied it all up. Half time the couch talks to use he motivates us and we are ready for second half, Barcelona kicks off
Minute 86 Cuenca from Barcelona passes through our defense like if it was 15 year old playing against kindergarteners and suddenly GOOOAAAAALL Barcelona is back up.
Its minute 87 we got a corner kick Mario centers and I fly in the air jump sideways hit the ball with the tip of my foot GOOOAAALLL, We equalized, Barcelona Kicks off I’m pretty sure that it’s all going to end up in a tie again because there’s only 3 minutes left with the ref added minute 92 and then something no one expected foul for our team it was minute 94 and I said to myself, I can do this
“Diego, Mario let me take it” they looked at me and laughed
“This isn’t the time to play” Said Mario.
“That’s why I want to take it now please let me take it” I replied, Diego looked at Mario and said
“Let him” They walked away from the ball. I look at it pick it up, *Sigh* I set the ball down slowly in the ground; I look up as there is a wall of 5 players and behind them a goalkeeper. I take 5 steps back, I look at where I want to aim the ball, my eyes look straight to the upper right corner, I stand still for almost 15 seconds, The ref blows the whistle, I run towards the ball kick, The ball sours through the air, the wall of players jump the Keeper stands still like if he were scared of something, My team looks at the ball as well as the Barcelona’s players, The crowd stands on its feet ,then from a 5 second moment of silence ,GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL, It sounded like the whole world was yelling, Then my whole team was jumping on me and we were all celebrating, The game was over, we are champions, The 40th league for Real Madrid and I’m proud to say that I scored the winning goals for my club. I’m very proud to play in Real Madrid

The author's comments:
Mr.Crew Inspired me

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