Consuming Fire | Teen Ink

Consuming Fire

December 1, 2012
By Lunic_106 BRONZE, Taylor, Arkansas
Lunic_106 BRONZE, Taylor, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was fire everywhere. The silver roof that uses to shine was falling as ash to the burn scored ground. I had to get inside to Mama. Mama had something that could make the fire stop. I just have to find her first. I ran past the general store and blacksmith. Usually, there was Old McDoneld yelling and making a scary face at the Easer boys. But fire was there instead, as if it took the place of everyone else.
My silver home was getting closer but my legs felt like they wouldn’t move an inch. I looked down and saw scrapes and burns. Small fires crept up my legs leaving small marks against my tender skin. Crack! A wooden beam crashed down in front of me. The fire was making faces of all the people I knew. Their faces grimaced with pain and lost. They kept pushing each other out of the way as if they wanted me to see all their suffering. More crashing and soon all I could see were burning wood and fires. If I could get to Mama then she could make it all better, if only…
“Nya!” A frantic voice yelled over the screaming fires.
If was a women’s face that was covered in ash and marks, her clothes were torn and ugly with the lace falling off as he ran. Her golden brown eyes with emerald flicks were alight with fear and desperation. Her black hair seemed to blend into the sky and leaving her pale stricken face clear to see.
“Nya don’t move! I am coming to get you!” The lady screamed, her hand reaching out to grab me from my fiery cage. Her eyes burned into me, searching for something. Then something clicked inside me. I knew who she was; I knew that I was safe.
“Mama, I am over here!” I screamed as loud as my lungs could carry.
“Yes Nya, I know. I heard you all the way from across the house. Here is your Midol*.” Mama said as she handed me the bottle of pain reliever.
“Thanks Mom. I really needed this.” I said opening the bottle.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I wanted to see the faces of my friends when they read something that wasn't my usual style. They liked it and wanted me send it some where.

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