Darkest times | Teen Ink

Darkest times

September 20, 2023
By Anonymous

It all starts with an army of robots with special abilities that were sent from a different planet far away to destroy earth with their goal being to kill all life so that they take control. Once the robots arrived on earth they destroyed, they killed, and they even brutally murdered a lot of people and cities. For them it was pretty easy since they were built in a unique way with advanced techniques with them being able to convert themselves into a turret that can fire bullets, rockets, and even grenades. They also have extreme resistance that allows them to completely not take any damage. Their final ability is the fact  that they can explode themselves and cause a really big explosion and still end up in one piece. Well, after they destroyed and conquered a big amount of the planet earth, there was a secret organization that was hidden in a island in between the oceans so that they could protect themselves and have enough time to develop a kill button for all the robots which in this case was just a big red button.Even though the robots killed a lot of people there was one robot in particular called Dash and his passion was never really killing people but it was the complete opposite. He always wanted to help others and find a way to be useful in a good way but since he was with the other robots he couldn’t be himself. During all this war and murdering, Dash didn’t touch a single soul but sometimes in other battles he was forced to or threatened if he didn’t kill. The organization with the red button tracked the location of the robots and arrived and looked like they were ready to go to war. Once the robots proceeded to attack a guy pressed the big red button but little did they know there was a one minute wait time and then their guards started firing but they all didn’t make it until there was only 15 seconds left on the timer, the guy dropped it then he gets killed but as his body falls down, he fell on the button and pressed it. All the robots start shutting down and they all turn off including Dash sadly. Once again the earth was saved and all the robots were off the earth and it went back to its normal state. 3 decades passed and Dash’s system opened back up but they cleaned out all of the other robots so it was only him. He had a bird with a nest and it’s babies in it and he realizes how peaceful and happy they were so now he carries them everywhere they go and Dash becomes famous as the only robot to survive and does good for the people and the earth.

The author's comments:

I write a story in my class as a assignment.

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