story of the hour | Teen Ink

story of the hour

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

One upon of time there was a boy lost in a store and he was looking for has my mom and dad, but could not find them so he was super the boy keep looking and still nothing and he was run and run all around the big store and he end up fall and hurting has leg and starting bleeding. So he  want to the front of the store and ask a women for bamnd and she gave it to him. Then he goes and tells the women the he can not find his mom and dad and then they both starting looking for them. Then they both start look for them all over the store and still nothing, then the women ask the boy can we call mom or dad and the boy say yes. They call his my mom and she did not answer so they tried to call dad and he does not answers. She the women who works at the store goes and checks the camera  and she do not see them, so then lady the does is she calls the police, then the cops come and they ask the boy where did you last see your mom and dad he say inside the store. Then the cop checks the cameras and saw that he mom and dad left hm there, and the boy began to start crying and get scary. She the cop end up go to has house and his mom and dad were and they were are happy again.

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