Peservere That Stunt | Teen Ink

Peservere That Stunt

September 23, 2022
By Anonymous

After a long day of college classes, the Navarro cheerleaders are prepping for Daytona, a cheerleading competition, only thing is that there are limited spots to be on mat this year and everyone is fighting for a spot. Monica must pick all her athletes by skill and performance meanwhile her assisted coach, Eddie, just has his favorites and doesn’t like some of the athletes because they are “lazy.” Despite what he thinks, they work hard every day and drain their bodies like a football team.

It was time to work on competition stunts and all you hear is someone hit the floor like a grenade bomb. One of the flyers broke her elbow doing a full down and it was devastating. This incident was about to affect everyone because she was top girl, a flyer in the center of the pyramid. Monica and Eddie now must find another athlete just as good, but it is a tough decision. They give all the girls a chance and the only one left to prove herself was Morgan. Monica sees the potential she has and says “I believe you can do this. After what I just saw I’m willing to give you a chance.” Meanwhile Eddie mumbles “I have a bad feeling about her.” Everyday Morgan tries her best at practice by giving her all in the skills and performs. Morgan comes from a small town where no one ever believed in her, not even her own parents. She grew up pushing herself with also the support from her grandpa and now Monica. She has been trying to live up to her coaches’ expectations that she has been practicing with bruised ribs. Eddie talks to Monica after

practice and says “Why don’t we try someone else? I don’t think she can handle it.” Monica gives Eddie a surprised look like if he just won the lottery. She responds with “I believe she can do it; she gets better every day” and they both walk away from each other. After weeks of practicing, it is finally a day before Daytona and Morgan fears letting her team down but there is a rush of confidence in her that she says to herself “I can do this” “I can do this”

It is now May 2nd, Daytona Day. The Navarro cheer team hears their name being called out and the screams from the fans. The rush and confidence everyone feels, Morgan knew she was going to hit. Three minutes later after giving their all, Eddie pulls Morgan aside. “You hit congratulations, but it was not your best effort, you have a lot to prove to me because I still don’t see it in you” he says. After their talk, Monica comforts Morgan but all she can think about is how she feels not good enough for this team now. Although Eddie wasn’t proud, Morgan decided to pick herself up and made it her goal to prove Eddie wrong because she was enough.

Second day came around and Morgan woke up ready to conquer this competition. She knew what she had to do in order to please Eddie. She went up on stage and all she could hear is her heart beating like if it was about to pop out of her chest, but she did it. She came off the stage running from excitement and that was the moment she knew no matter what Eddie, or anybody said, she was more than enough for this team. Eddie walks up to her and hands her a Daytona Top Girl Medal. “I saw the improvement and dedication compared to last night. You deserve this” Morgan is jumping from excitement because she knows that she had the choice to give up but the took the risk and persevered the stunt and all the practices for this moment.

The author's comments:

This piece means a lot to me becase it relates to my cheer life in school and how hard it is but we keep pushing through.

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