Crying a River | Teen Ink

Crying a River

May 20, 2021
By Anonymous

Water. What have I done? I just remember being so heartbroken that all I could do was cry. Crying was the only way to reflect my sadness onto the world. I’m letting out all of these tears nonstop, I’m getting concerned about myself. How could I let a boy do this to me? Driving down his street was the only way to release all the emotions I poured into him. 

Jacob, my ex boyfriend. I loved him with all my heart. He was my sun and I was his moon, or so I thought. My 24th birthday was the time of my life, my friends threw me an amazing party. Having fun but there is no Jacob in sight, I start to get worried. Calling his phone back to back, sending him text messages, and sending him voicemails. I wanted to check his socials. Instagram, nope. Twitter, nope. Snapchat, wow. Who knew someone could be that heartless to cheat on someone on their birthday.

Few days after that party and the dramatic break up, I started to feel everything at once. A quick ride on his street imagining myself throwing eggs at his apartment, wouldn’t that be bad right? Tears. Pouring down my face at 5 o’ clock in the afternoon. Speeding away from his place because I can't take it all at once. Everything we built is out the window. I cannot stop crying, I have to pull over and get myself together. It feels like I'm crying a river. I’ve never in my life cried this much ever. Guess that’s what love does to you. 

Ok now, why am I still crying. Not even being dramatic, but there is a huge pile of water on the side of me. Did I forget to mention I stopped beside a creek? Darkness. 

I wake up on the ground, drenched in water. I look over and there is a whole body of water. What is going on? I’ve never passed out before ever and then I wake up wet? Am I dreaming? I hear someone calling my name every 25 or so seconds. Franceen! Franceen! Who is calling me? Jacob? I faint again. 

Beep, Beep, Beep. Where am I now? There are bright lights but I can't make out anything because my vision is blurry. 

“Franceen?! Are you awake?” Jacob says alarmingly. 

Is this Jacob talking to me? How did I get from the creek? 

“Franceen are you awake? Can you hear me? You’ve been in a com…” Jacob screamed as someone came in. 

“I’m in the hospital? How did I get here?” I say frightened. 

“You were in a horrible car accident over a bridge about six weeks ago. We found you along with your car in the town's river. Jacob was alarmed because you were on the way to his house, but you never showed up.” The doctor explains. 

“Wait, what? Me and Jacob broke up yesterday. How would I have been in a coma?”  I scream. 

“Babe, no. We have been together for 2 years straight, we never broke up. I think you were dreaming.” Jacob says concerned. 

“No Jacob, you literally cheated on me with Kenzie.” I say this while salty tears drip from the seams of my eyes. 

“Huh? No! That is not true! I barely even talk to Kenzie. I would never do that to you ever I swear. I’m sorry.” Jacob weeps. 

I just don't understand this, the whole reason I was crying is because I believe Jacob cheated on me. This is so surreal. Jacob keeps swearing up and down he did not cheat on me and would never do that to me. I believe him. Everyone I know keeps coming in my room relieved that I woke up from my accident. 

“Kenzie, hey. While I was sleeping, I had this crazy dream Jacob cheated on me.” I utter.

“What!? With who!” Kenzie shouts.

“Shhh.. It was with you. It was strictly a long lasting dream though. I know you wouldn’t do that to me now.” I state.

“Oh my gosh France… I would never ever! You’re my best friend.” Kenzie says saddened.

“That's what I keep telling her!” Jacob adds.

“I know and I believe you all, I'm just trying to gather that I was in fact in a coma.” I announce. 

This is really unbelievable. I never would have thought this would happen to me. My parents finally rush in the room with watery eyes excited to see me awake like they haven’t seen me twenty times already. That whole dream felt very real. Six weeks? Wow this isn't sinking in. I’m glad I'm ok and able to still experience life with the ones I love. 

I had to come to the conclusion that hating Jacob and Kenzie for something that happened in a dream would label me as a lunatic. I have to love and enjoy my life while I still have it. My parents, Jacob, and I are all leaving the hospital in two days. I also overheard Jacob planning a welcome home party. I have to figure out what I'm going to wear!

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