Vengeful Spirit | Teen Ink

Vengeful Spirit

December 19, 2020
By Anonymous

I felt it, he was going to strike again. I didn’t notice until it was too late, when the deed was already done. My murderer, William Afton, has now struck again. I felt the soul of a child.  I couldn’t shake that feeling, the same feeling I had once I was his victim. I started a search, staying out of sight of the security guard when I went into the back room that was hidden from everybody, hidden from anything, seeing a dead child. 

I felt it, he was going to strike again. I didn’t notice until it was too late, when the deed was already done. My murderer, William Afton, has now struck again. I felt the soul of a child.  I couldn’t shake that feeling, the same feeling I had once I was his victim. I started a search, staying out of sight of the security guard when I went into the back room that was hidden from everybody, hidden from anything, seeing a dead child. 

“Was I able to reach you?” said a small male voice. I couldn’t look around to see where the voice was coming from. “Who are you?” I tried to say, yet nothing came out my mouth. I thought, “This is his fault. All his fault. I blame him and I won’t stop blaming him for all he has do-” my thoughts were cut off from the voice again, “I blame him too. I just wanted my mommy. I just want my mommy..” I could feel it now, the soul felt even closer than it was ever before. “What is your name?” I asked, trying to start a conversation with a scared child. Even though she didn’t know what was going on, I knew exactly what was. “What is going on? Please tell me,” I heard her voice starting to crack, “I just want my mommy.” I was ashamed to break the news to her. “You might be able to see your mommy, but she might not be able to see you.” I said. I then explained to the girl what was going on. 

“Your soul is now trapped here. This god forsaken place has trapped you here with all of us along with it.” I felt me starting to move, but I wasn’t the one moving. I felt my body scrunch up into a ball. “Oh. Okay,” She said, “My name is Charlotte. What is yours?” I disregarded the question by accident. “Did you just move? Do that again.” stood up and I felt my hand rub against a wall. “Do you feel that?” I asked. She responded with “No. I can’t. I can’t feel anything. I feel me moving but. My hand but..” She then punched the wall. “OW! That hurt.” I said. Somehow I could feel and see, but I couldn’t move, but she couldn’t feel but she could move.  “You can move. I can feel it.” She soon felt excited. I could feel her soul brighten up. “Wait, so that means I am not dead? I can still get out of here and see my mommy?” I thought about her question very carefully. We don’t know how to talk. All I know is that I have a hold of her senses, but I don’t have a hold of any of the actual actions going on. I said “I don’t know. But we could always try. But right now we can’t move. We have to sit-” Her soul began to get angry. “NO! I want her right now!” The truth was, her soul was not too different from the rest of ours. We both knew that wouldn’t be possible anymore. “We need to find you another body.” I say. “What do you mean?” she asks me back, not understanding what I meant. I knew someone would find us, I just hoped that it was before he came back.. If he came back.. “I will protect you. If you let me I will protect you.” I suddenly started to feel the body we shared moving again shortly before we heard footsteps. I couldn’t feel the presence of another child’s soul, so it wasn’t any of us. 

It must have been him. I felt me having the urge to get up. I felt me ready to attack. I knew it was him even before he came into the room and observed the body. I want to make him feel the same pain that I had felt for so long, the same way he is making this poor girl feel, but I knew that wasn’t the smartest thing to do right now. So All I did was wait, and waited, until I had the chance to get up and help the girl, so we could get our revenge together, and then be free. 

The author's comments:

This was a fanfiction that I made out of the inspiration of a series called five nights at freddy's. I took this approach the way I did because I thought it was such a flexible storyline as a lot of it isn't as explained and people constantly are confused about the story's lore. With that being said, I thought it was a perfect oppurtunity to bring out something that someone may have enjoyed. 

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