Treyvonetta and the Dream Team | Teen Ink

Treyvonetta and the Dream Team

December 19, 2020
By Sydneygriffin21 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sydneygriffin21 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Treyvonetta is an 18 year old teenage girl, with smooth dark chocolate skin, short black hair, and a pearly white smile. She’s from East LA where the music is bumping and people dance in the streets. Along with her two best friends, Lina and Gloria, she cheers with the East LA Roughriders, an All-Stars caliber team.

Since they were four years old, Trey, Lina, and Gloria dreamed of winning the All-Stars championship, but those plans went awry when Lina, the captain, moved to Malibu with her mother, her fiance, and his daughter.

 Lina had intentions on joining the varsity team at her new school, but was denied access due to the captain’s jealousy. Lina went on to become the captain of the junior varsity team, but they were terrible. In order to compete in the All-Stars, she would have to whip those Sea Lions into shape, but she couldn’t do it alone, so she called up Trey and Gloria for assistance. 



Avery saw the trio as a threat, so she exposed Trey and Gloria’s ineligibility. Trey was furious, but she wouldn’t be much longer. 

After looking at the All-Stars rule book, Gloria discovered that the cheer teams don’t have to be from a high school team, so they came up with the perfect idea to combine the Sea Lions, Lina’s new team, with their team, the East LA Rough Riders. With the leadership of Lina, Gloria, and Trey, these teams dropped their individual names and became the Dream Team.


The All-Stars Competition was here. The Dream Team had been practicing non-stop to execute the perfect routine. Trey and her girls have been waiting for this moment, and now it was time to make the most of it. 

“Gurlll, I can’t believe we here!” exclaimed Trey.

“Seriously yo, look at all these people!” responded Lina.

“We gotta win this, it's our senior year, and our last shot.” said Gloria.

“You right about that one! We need to bring our A game!” replied Trey.

When their conversation was over, they made their way to their seats. They sat for hours watching the other teams perform, and with every team's performance, Trey's confidence grew. After Avery and her team, the Dream Team was next.

“Come on guys, gather around, gather around,” rushed Lina.

    As everyone gathered, Trey started feeling butterflies in her stomach. Lina gave a touching speech, and her encouraging words eased all of Trey’s anxiousness and filled her up with excitement.  

“ Lets get that dub!” Trey screamed. 

In response, her team screamed “Lets GOOOOO!” as they ran onto the mat.


 The music started and they began to dance, flipp, shout, and do stunts. Satisfied with their production, the Dream Team embraced each other, and gave high fives, as they ran back to their seats. 

Following their performance, it was time for the decision. Standing in between Lina and Gloria, Trey held their hands, and hung her head low in anticipation. The judge grabbed the mic and there was silence. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. 

“Before I announce the winner, I want to congratulate every team in attendance today. You guys have worked very hard to get here and I am proud of each and every one of you! Give yourselves and opponents a round of applause.” 

 As they all clapped, a fellow judge walked up to the announcer and handed her an envelope.

“I have the results. The winner of the 2009 All- Stars is…the Dream Team!”

At the sound of their name, Trey stood there frozen as her girls squeezed her hand, and teammates jumped up and down in celebration. Trey couldn’t believe it. After years of hard work and dedication, she achieved her dream of being an All-Star. This experience was 10 times better because she did it with her two best friends, and 2 new friends.  




After celebrating with her teammates and snapping a lot of pictures in front of the trophy, Treyvonetta, Lina, and Gloria were approached by a white woman dressed in a black pant suit. 

“Hello ladies” said the woman.

“Hi” the girls said in unison. 

“It's come to my attention that you three young ladies are the captains of this All-Star team. Is that correct?”  she asked. 

“Yes we are! I’m Lina, this is Trey, and Gloria” replied Lina.

In response, the woman said, “Great! My name is Cythia Johnson and I am the cheerleading coach at LSU.  I would like to invite you girls to check out the campus, and meet the current members of the cheer squad. How does that sound?”  

“WHAT!” exclaimed Gloria.

“OMG OMG OMG!” shouted Trey.

“Yesss! Count us in!” Lina said in agreement. 

With a huge smile she said, “Awesome, here’s my card. We’ll keep in touch and schedule a date. Congratulations ladies, see you later.”

“Yo! Look at us gettin offers and stuff ” Treyvonetta said with a smile.

“I know I know, we’ve come a long way” replied Gloria. 

    Treyvonetta was in awe that she just got an offer to check out LSU. A college. A good one. One that will not only allow her to dance, but receive a quality education as well. She was filled with so much emotion. Her mother, grandmother, a little brother are going to be so proud of her. 

A few months passed, and the girls visited LSU. After checking it out, Treyvonetta and her girls were each offered a scholarship to attend LSU, and without hesitation, they accepted. A girl out of East LA is coming up in the world. She can’t wait for her new journey to begin. She is ready to take on the world. 

The author's comments:

"Treyvonetta and the Dream Team" is a fanfic based off of my favorite character from Bring It On: Fight to the Finish! Trey is a character from the movie that doesn't get the recognition she deserves, so I decided to. 

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