Spongebob's Fun Beach Adventure | Teen Ink

Spongebob's Fun Beach Adventure

October 25, 2020
By Anonymous

It’s a very empty day at the Bikini Bottom beach. Practically nobody is in the ocean. I watch as Patrick runs butt naked into the water. He’s enjoying himself. I can't say the same for myself. It’s a rough day to be a sponge in this city. The sun is drying my spongy skin up faster than you can say “Bob”.  Patrick invited me out here today… I should really be at work right now. I'm too old to be playing around at the beach, and besides I'm terrible at swimming. It is weird though… This place is usually packed to the brim with half of  Bikini Bottom's population. I guess it is a little cloudy out today. Well I best take advantage of all this peace and quiet and take a nap. Patrick won't mind. Probably. I close my eyes and drift away into sleep.

"Spongebob...Spongebob…" I hear someone calling to me in the distance.

"Spongebob… Spongebob!" I know that voice from anywhere, it's Patrick!

My eyes flash open to reveal the dark cloudy sky above me. Was I really out that long…? I frantically look around to find where Patrick's voice came from. He's nowhere to be found. I could've sworn I heard him… Maybe it was just a dream. Anyhow, the weather looks terrible so I decide to pack up and head home. Patrick's stuff is still here… He didn't get caught up in a current did he? I walk up to the shore and search for him once more. Still nowhere I can see. Maybe he saw the incoming storm and left before grabbing his stuff, which this wouldn't be the first time that had happened. I head back up to my chair and pack up, making sure to grab Patrick's belongings, just in case I run into him when I get home. 

I start my trek up to the entrance of the beach. A gust of wind kicks up in front of me, starting a fierce sandstorm. All I can really do is keep pushing through. I don't remember the path to the entrance being this long. I walk for around 15 minutes, which definitely isn't supposed to happen. I probably just got lost. All of a sudden teh sandstorm dissipates in front of me. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that I had made it to the end. As the sandstorm parts I hear the crashing of waves and start to smell the bubbling tar of Goo Lagoon. That couldn't be right though… I just came from here. I turn back and go the way I came. Again, I end up where I started. I keep going back and forth, becoming more and more desperate each trip. After hours of continuously searching for the entrance I realized… There was no way back to the entrance.

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