A Fiery Hope - Warriors Cats | Teen Ink

A Fiery Hope - Warriors Cats

March 8, 2020
By Anonymous

I flexed my claws against the ground, resisting the urge to paw pointlessly at the dead mouse. I wasn’t hungry, and the last thing I wanted right now was to go back to camp.
“Ashfur?” I froze at a familiar voice, “Ashfur?” Squirrelflight emerged from the ferns, she looked relieved to see me until it twisted into something else. “Ashfur, I just wanted to say, I’m so sorry, I tried to talk my father, I mean…er… Firestar.” She looked embarrassed, and flustered, calling Firestar her father in front of me; she only did that in front of Brambleclaw. “And he wouldn’t budge, I’m sorry.” She said, looking down.
“It’s okay,” I mewed affectionately. “I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.” She suddenly looked relatively better.
“Thank you Ashfur, I know it must be hard for you.”
“Trust me Squirrelflight, I’m fine.” I said, fighting away the feeling like she had scratched me in the chest and moving next to her. She suddenly brushed up against me and murmured, “Thank you.” Before the ferns rustled again, and Brambleclaw emerged, his brown glossy pelt shining brightly under the sun. He seemed to have been walking rather quickly because he came to a sudden halt when he saw us. We both pulled away immediately at his presence.
“Did I interrupt something?” He asked looking from me to Squirrelflight, the to me again.
“Well if you were, you still wouldn’t be concerned.” I spat at him.
“Actually, I would be” He growled walking towards me. “In fact, I’d worried for your kits, imagine if they became kittypets.” He leered.
“Don’t be.” I growled. He smirked and opened his mouth to speak before Squirrelflight interrupted him.
“Enough!” she hissed. “I already made my decision.”
“You did indeed.” Brambleclaw shot me a look. “Squirrelflight, I need a word.” He said, walking towards the ferns and beckoning her with his tail. She followed and nearly disappeared into the ferns before she turned to me and motioned towards the mouse and said, “you should probably take that to camp.” And she was gone. And I had just realized a bristling hate die in me.
I picked the mouse up a little bit later and carried it back to camp, walking along the Wind and Riverclan border before making my way back to the heart of Thunderclan.

I hated her even more. It felt like a waste, training Loinblaze, Brambleclaw taking his blow at me because he thought Jayfeather looked like me. Oh, how Brambleclaw would love for Jayfeather to be my kit; any excuse to skin me. But he was Leafpool’s. They all were. And now, I dangled the devastating truth at Squirrelflight and Leafpool’s mercy. Even as I ran from the fire to ask if I could go to the gathering.
I sat at the border, droplets of water from the river sprayed onto my whiskers. I heard the sound of soft paw steps behind me, and the familiar, musty sent of Squirrelflight. I smirked and felt a surge of satisfaction. She’s come to try to stop me, I thought.
“You can’t change my mind.” I growled. “You can’t stop me!”
“Oh, I think I can.” I jumped up and turned in sudden surprise. “Or at least I can slow you down.” Hollyleaf stood there elegantly, her eyes narrowed in an unfriendly manner.
“Stay out of this Hollyleaf.”
“No! You stay out of this!” She ordered, moving closer to me. “You stay away from us!”
“You can’t stop me!” I hissed, moving forward.
“Unfortunately,” She narrowed her eyes and moved even closer to me. “That’s my intention.” She scratched at my shoulder, I aimed for her ear, but missed. She aimed for my shoulder again but missed as I darted backwards to the river. My hind paw slipped, but I caught it before I could fall into the river, and as I looked up, I saw the swing of a paw coming towards me. Instinctively, I moved my head to the side, but it was too late and her claws snagged at my windpipe. I couldn’t help but loose balance and fall into the river. And I saw a fuzzy Hollyleaf sitting, and washing the blood off her claws.

The earth around me was covered in mist and stars. I watched as Squirrelflight raised her three kits, my claws flexed in the clouds, this was supposed to be my life.

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on Apr. 19 2022 at 9:01 am
Justyouraveragewriter, Dale, Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is an awesome story! You're a great writer!