Threat Level Scarn | Teen Ink

Threat Level Scarn

October 9, 2019
By djspookysanz BRONZE, Tavares, Florida
djspookysanz BRONZE, Tavares, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day had come. The day that everybody feared. On September 18, 2004 the worst had happened. Michael Scarn happened. But to make matters worse, someone even more frightening appeared. Prison Mike. That was the day that no one spoke about for years.

It was a casual day in Boston, Massachusetts. It was a windy fall day in September and Michael was sitting in a bar called “Cheers”. Cheers is owned by a retired baseball pitcher named Sam Malone. 

“You need a refill, Mike?” Sam said as he grabbed Mike’s glass. 

“Thanks Sam”, as he grabbed the glass and chugged his drink. 

The drink that Sam had made specifically for Michael for nights like this was nonalcoholic. Michael did not know the difference. After three refills, Michael got a little woozy. He fell to the floor. Getting back up to his feet now, Michael told himself that it was time to go home. He later passed out on his couch at 10 pm. 

Prison Mike had a normal day on September 16. He made the attempt to kidnap the president’s son, again. He did not succeed. Yes, as you would have guessed, he did get caught. Mike made his way to the state prison to serve a life sentence. He had already had his speedy trial and was found guilty. Mike had been through the motions before and knew the ins and outs of prison. He also knew the dementors. He got to the prison and saw some old friends of his and made some new ones. Mike wasn't superstitious, but he was a little stitious. He saw some of the inmates gathering around and looked like they were plotting something. Mike, being the nosy Mike he is asked what was happening and how could he be a a part of it. They told him nothing except for one thing. “Escape route.” Mike didn't seem to understand what that meant and then made a racially insensitive joke to try and hide his confusion, which didn't work. It just made him look dumber than he already did.  The inmates were told to break up their group and to go outside. Mike did what he was told. 

“Ryan, is that you?”, Michael said, coming out of a deep sleep. No one was there. He looked out the window. The sky was charcoal. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and saw it was 1 in the morning. Panic came over him. Michael had to be at the airport in 3 hours for a flight. He was on a secret mission that the president specifically assigned him to do. The flight was to Washington D.C. in 1600 hours. 


The dementors were everywhere. Mike was not as terrified as before, but fear still held him captive. Mike, only thinking about his fear, didn't realize that all the prisoners started sprinting to the fence. Mike looked at the guards and they weren't paying attention. In the spur of the moment, Mike joined the rest of the them. Next thing, Mike knows he's being pushed into a hole in the ground. For reasons Mike could not understand, they pushed him first into the hole. The sound of gunshots filled his ears. 


By 10 am, Michael had just landed in Washington D.C. Michael loved his job but not when he had to fly somewhere. A black Escalade,with the President’s Seal on the side, picked him up from the airport. He hopped in and was greeted by a muscular white man in his mid thirties with an earpiece in his right ear. 

“Hello, sir,”the man said, turning to make eye contact with Michael .

“Hello, Alex” Michael replied. 

The two men fell silent for the rest of the ride to the White house. As they approached the White house, Michael knew something big had just happened. Minimum security surrounded the building and it was quiet, too quiet. 

“Keep going, Mike!”, shouted one of the inmates from behind the fence. “Be caref-”, silence.

 Mike ran as fast as he could with the little energy and stamina he had. He looked back to see four prison guards chasing after him about 800 feet away. 

“What have I done?!”, Mike thought to himself.

 As thought ran through his head, he snapped back to reality. He couldn’t turn back now. He looked around to see if there was a place to hide or lay low. He sprinted into the woods. The prison guards started shooting. Mike started doing serpentine and kept running as fast as he could.  The darkness of the woods fell on him. He’d just lost them. 

“What do you mean he got away?!”, the angered President roared.

“The rest of the inmates were helping him, sir.”, spoke an FBI agent who was obviously leading the case. 

Michael walked in and confusion fell over him. “Who got away, sir?” 

“Who do you think? The man who runs the prison down there, prison Mike.”, the President said with a hint of sarcasm. 

“Say no more,I’m on it.”,Michael said with excitement. 

“I knew you’d be up for it, Scarn. You’re the best man for the job.”, said the President, relieved. 

Michael ran out of the White house feeling like a 7 year old at a theme park. This is what made him feel alive. 

It had begun to be nightfall and Prison Mike had not found a place to lay low but he was so hungry. Mike looked around to see if he could scrounge up anything that was edible, Luckily, Mike found a few eggs in a nest that had fallen from a tree. He did not enjoy the eggs but still ate them. He took a look around again and decided to keep walking. He walked west until he reached a cabin. The cabin was dark and gloomy, it gave him the creeps. 

Michael had looked everywhere. He searched all relatives’ houses, with a warrant, and searched the 1 job Mike had as a teenager at an ice cream shop. 

“Wait.”, Michael thought. He knew exactly where to go. 

Mike contemplated whether he wanted to even go in. Not taking a step inside, he closed the door and went back outside to look for another place to stay. There didn’t look like there was another place in miles. He finally convinced himself that sleeping on the ground outside seemed like a safer way to go than the creepy cabin. He soon passed out.  

After Michael investigated a few family members, he realized it was dark. He made his way over to his hotel and slept until he was rudely awoken by his alarm. The day before ,he went undercover and talked to Mike’s parents. Mike’s parents told Michael that he has always been drawn to the woods and enjoyed playing “Survivor” as a kid with his friend, Dwigt. Michael realized where to look and sprinted to his Sudan and sped to Theodore Roosevelt Island. Michael debated on sending for a search team but on the other hand wanted to catch him himself. He went to the west side of the forest and saw a cabin. 

Mike woke up to the sound of birds chirping and twigs snapping. He shot up. He grabbed the only thing that was even remotely sharp around him, a stick. 

“Who’s there?”,Michael shouted. Nothing. 

He could feel it. Michael could feel that he was getting closer to the end of his mission. He opened the door to the Cabin. No one was there. 

Michael Scott woke up.

The author's comments:

This is inspired by "The Office." I was inspired to take the characters and create a new storyline that was fun and interesting.

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