Fate. | Teen Ink


May 15, 2018
By Amandark_ BRONZE, Williamsville , New York
Amandark_ BRONZE, Williamsville , New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the ways we expect".
-Luna lovegood

You don’t want to hear this. No one wants to hear this… You’re going to die. Now I am well aware that everybody will die at one point or another, but you… You’re going to die soon, way too soon. And that is the problem at hand. See whatever you believe in, be it Heaven and Hell, reincarnation or anything else; the outcome won’t be good. 
See a lot of things you did, you might’ve had your heart in the right place, but it just wasn’t the right way to go about it. There have even been sometimes where you did the right thing, but your heart… it just wasn’t in the right place, not even in the slightest. Even though right now the consequences of your actions will be unfavorable for you, there still is time. Not much, but  a small window of opportunity to undo your mistakes. As of right now in two weeks you are on the path and that path will be Hell. That means you have two weeks to undo all of your wrongdoings. 
How are you going to do that? Well that choice is up to you, I can’t help you with that. I don’t exactly know what you did to have your fate go so downhill, meaning I won’t be much assistance to you on your journey to change things. I won’t get a chance to talk to you after this conversation so, I want to wish you good luck in your journey and hope you’re able to change your fate. *Take a small pause* Now that I’ve gotten you all worried, let me tell you the truth, you aren’t going to die, not soon anyways. I have no clue where you'll end up after your death. But there is one thing I am certain about, if there is something you’ve done that would make it so you end up where is said you would, then maybe. Just maybe you need to make something right with the world. Let it be with someone else or even making peace within yourself.

The author's comments:

A monologue about death and how they're fate isn't the most ideal. 

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