The End | Teen Ink

The End

April 3, 2018
By Anonymous

They said to run and said to hide the news channels told us to take cover. I knew that it would never work the sky was falling too fast for anyone to think logically. Everyone knew something like this could happen a world-ending event but no one ever thinks it will. If anyone did we would have made safe heavens to protect ourselves. But we didn't. So when it happened no one was ready and no one was prepared to give up. But they should have, they should have enjoyed their last moments, treasured them. Instead of running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Only 24 hours ago they told us our only protection between space and earth was going to crumble but it feels as if it was millenniums ago.
Every day I wake up go to school and attempt to understand what the teacher blathering on about. The only interest I have in anything school related is the stuff they don't talk about. They tell us about all the different types of rocks, how America was discovered, and how the volcanoes magma comes from the center of the world. All I hear is how the earth depends on some types of rocks, how there could be a volcano big enough to end the world and maybe some boring stuff about the past. They never go in depth about all of the things that could happen if the earth didn't have certain types of rocks, or how the volcanoes could affect the planet. They never teach us about anything mildly interesting, who knows maybe if they did we would have been prepared for all the things that might happen if they didn't spend so much time dwelling on the past and all the things that couldn't possibly help us in a dire situation.
Today I woke up planning to go to school just like every other day. I sat up in my small yellow bed which I was getting way to big for because a 17-year-old should not have to sleep in a twin sized bed. Every morning my mom comes into my room with a smile on her face enthusiastically saying good morning breakfast is in 5 hurry up and get downstairs. I’m always awake before she comes in so I know that she comes in exactly at 6:37 every single weekday morning. But this morning she didn't come in I looked at my tiny old clock on my petite wooden dresser as its small black stick went right past 6:37 up to 6:40. So I stumbled down our two flights of cold wooded steps into the kitchen where there should have been a nice warm plate of pancakes and syrup but the kitchen was frigid and vacant. The only other place my mom could be was in the living room, the living room was bright and the tv was on. I looked at my mom who was sitting on our grey couch that didn't match any of the other dark brown furniture. Her face had a blank scared expression as if she might have seen a ghost. Before I was able to ask what was going on I glanced over at the tv when something caught my eye across the bottom of the screen was a message saying in bold “Find Safety Gather Your loved Ones and Stay Calm.”
“Mom, mom what's going on  why is the TV telling us we aren't safe?” I said urgently
She seemed almost speechless all she could say was “ go upstairs find only a few small things to bring with you we are leaving”
“Mom whats happening.” before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted  with by my mother screaming, “Go, go now!”
I turned and started running back up the wooden steps I had absolutely no clue what was happening but I knew it wouldn't be good. As I started to think more about why I was running I became slower and slower and started to just walk because I didn't know why I was running. My head started spinning with all the possibilities of what could be happening maybe an earthquake or an asteroid was coming like the one that made the dinosaurs extinct. My room seemed to look different because all I saw when I looked at it now was memories, memories that I didn't want to leave behind. The stuffed bunny from after I came home from the hospital as a baby, the pictures of my mom and I after Christmas every year since I was 3, and the small yellow bed that I was now dreading having to leave behind. I grabbed a few pictures, my phone, and the golden chain necklace my dad gave to me before he died.
In an instant the house was gone, all the good and bad memories left behind.
“Mom please tell me what's going on you've barely said a word to me since we left,” before hearing an answer I continued to talk on, “ are we going to be okay? Where  are you taking us?”
I almost thought she wasn't going to answer me until she said, “ we are going somewhere where we will safe.”
From the tone of her voice I could tell she was not going to tell me what was going on and if I kept asking all she would say is that we are going somewhere safe but that wasn't good enough for me. The streets were filled with cars you could barely even see the black streets under them all. I had never seen this many cars in the such a small place at the same time before. I wasn't going to ask my mom any more questions about what was going on that she wasn't going to answer. I slowly and quietly slipped my phone out of my pocket, went on to google and searched “ what is going on” I had no other ideas of what to search and I really wasn't expected to get a good answer to just saying what is going on but all I could see at the top of the search page were news articles about “worldwide crisis” and “The truth behind the end”. Underneath the first article, it said the world is doomed outer space is caving in on us no one is safe. The second article was a scientific blog by a unanimous author that said the once very distant black whole named monocerotosis has traveled 3,000 light years to our planet and there is only a matter of hours before it swallows our planet whole.
Then I thought I have to be dreaming, I haven't woken up yet this is all a bad dream I'm still lying in my small yellow bed. I wish I were right but I knew I wasn't, none of my dreams could ever possibly feel this rea and my mind could never make up something this horrific. Then there was a loud crash than a bang, and then all I could hear were screams. There was a car trying to pass by the other cars to get ahead of them but he crashed into a telephone pole and the pole came crashing down onto 2 other cars trapping the people inside. All I could do was sit and watch, a seventeen-year-old with no medical training and no previous experience would only cause more chaos at the scene. So we continued to drive on past the people who were in desperate need of help and just pretended like it never happened. We just acted like it didn't happen, I think there is something about the end of the world that makes people only care about themselves they no longer see the importance in anyone else. But maybe if everyone stayed calm we could have figured out a solution, just maybe if everyone tried to help not just themselves but everyone else there could have been that chance in a million for us to be okay.
We drove for over 12 hours straight until we ran out of gas and our hope. So my mom and I stepped out of the old white car that my mom had since before I was even born and we saw a mountain in the distance. So we climbed for 3 long painstaking hours until we reached a ledge big enough for the both of us to sit on. We gave up, we gave up the chance of life, we gave up on our hopes and dreams, and we gave up on ourselves. We sat and waited and in that time we only exchanged a few words that all related to how much we loved each other. But no matter how much love or hope that we might have had there was now no chance to stop the end of the human race and earth itself.I consider us the smart ones spending our last moments with the ones we love and not running around like psychotic people. So we sat and we watched until there was a hole in the sky, we watched as the sky fell down on us and the ground crumbled beneath us. That was the end, the end of everything.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a dystopian future where the world is faced with a life ending event.

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