A Better Life | Teen Ink

A Better Life

March 5, 2018
By Anonymous


   You should watch a better life because its an awesome movie and it shows you what partnership and teamwork looks like. For an EX: when luis dad got his car took luis was mad but he helped his dad get his car back by working together.

    The main character of A Better Life is Luis and his dad carlos. Luis was a very caring person he liked helping his dad even though he didn't agree to most things. For an EX: when luis dad truck got took an his dad got beat up luis was scared but pissed at the same time.
    Luis may be angry all the time but i noticed no matter what he still helps his dad. Even the time when he lift his dad he still helped him out.

   When watching A Better Life it showed me not to give up on people i love and help them no matter the situation. And what partnership looks like.


The author's comments:

the team work in this movie is awsome

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