Shanna's World | Teen Ink

Shanna's World

November 30, 2017
By lovelyrose BRONZE, Upland, California
lovelyrose BRONZE, Upland, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shanna’s World      Shanna made her way down the street dragging her feet with each step. Shanna’s an average fourteen year old girl in just about every way, average height, average weight, plain black hair, and an average face. On her back was a backpack filled with books and schoolwork weighing her down by her shoulders. She dreaded going to school but so did just about every kid. The walk from her house to school was fairly short but she could only see it as a long march to prison. She stared up at the grand gates as she approached until she was directly under them, as her second foot stepped past the gate she began to feel uneasy and her head rushed. She felt as if she was falling. She closed her eyes and held her breath. All that could be heard was the sound of shanna sighing out loudly. A breeze blew against her making her skirt sway ever so slightly and she opened her eyes. All around her was a vast forest of trees that towered over her. The peaceful scenery calmed her and she began to walk down a path through the trees. She watched everything come into and out of view as she walked, she noticed a tree in the distance with fruit dangling down and rushed towards it. There was quite a lot of trees lined up each with a different type of fruit. Shanna reached out and grabbed one that was hanging low on a branch, as she bit down into it she couldn’t help but smile, she had grabbed an apple, her favorite fruit. In the distance a faint voice could be heard, Shanna looked up from her feet and started running towards where she heard the voice from, “Sebastian” she yelled out as she ran up and hugged a boy from behind. “Guess who” she said as she put her hands over his eyes. “Who” sebastian said in a playful tone before turning around and facing Shanna. “The princess” she retorted before curtsying, and Sebastian bowed down. A crow in the distanced cawed loudly startling the two to silence. They looked to each other and smiled before going and sitting down next to each other in the field that they were standing in. They talked in low voices when they did but they mostly just stared up at the sky or off past the horizon. Sebastian looked over to Shanna with a big smile on his face as he heard a low rumble coming from where she was sitting. “Hungry” he asked but she just kept looking into the distance a bit embarrassed. The crow once again cawed out and Shanna jumped to her feet. “I’m so hungry” she said as she stretched her arms out. They walked together to a field of food perfectly laid in lines, they grabbed what they wanted to eat before going and sitting down on some rocks. It didn’t take long till all of their food was gone and they were running around together just having fun and playing games. They finally made their way back to the field they were sitting at before and sat down. Time passed and their patience left them, they were practically falling asleep by the time the crow cawed one last time. “Bye Shanna i’ve gotta go” Sebastian said before he began to fade away. Shanna grabbed out not wanting to be alone but she couldn’t catch him. All alone Shanna walked back to where she came from, in the morning, dragging her feet the whole way. Alone with nothing but herself Shanna escaped into a cave, protected and safe from everything but herself. As Shanna sat unaware shadows crept from the cracks and crept up all around her. She jumped as she noticed one from the corner of her eye, she tried to run but it didn’t work. No matter where she went the cave just kept extending and when she finally reached the end it was blocked of. She crouched down and laid on the floor before curling into a ball, she cried out “help me” but no one was there. She closed her eyes and gave in the darkness consuming her. Shanna opened her eyes and sat up in her bed, she got ready for school before dragging her feet all the way there. Dreading another day of fighting with, or giving into her demons.

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