The Mystery | Teen Ink

The Mystery

December 13, 2016
By MelindaSkyhaven BRONZE, Hesperia, California
MelindaSkyhaven BRONZE, Hesperia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      It was my duty to stop the Robots.   Supposedly Robots are dangerous, my friend Sandy said to me that morning.  My older brother Phantom had constantly told me to stay AWAY from this one robot who was always marching around wearing a black sweatshirt.  I had no idea what this Robot had been doing to the other humans staying in the area.  The only information I had was that I had to make the robots believe that humans aren’t things to mess with.  No one is pure evil without a purpose to be evil, right?  If anyone could change a Robots mind it could be me, the powerful Ryan!

      I walked through the blizzard, filled with confidence, and down the path that there was a report of the place that the Robot was last seen.  I saw footprints and decided to follow them.  The path that leads to a clearing, where the blizzard was even worse.  I finally saw a figure walking.

      “HEY!”  My voice rang out through the clearing clearly.  The Robot gave no notion that it heard me, and he kept walking.

      “H-hey turn around and look at me when I am talking to you!”  All of my confidence that I had when I started this mission drained when the Robot gave no notion of stop walking.

      “I said turn around and look at me! I’m talking to you!”  The Robot finally stopped and slowly turned to me.  I looked into its blank eyes and I felt my spine shiver. I sucked in a very deep breath to possibly keep my sanity.

      “I, the powerful Ryan, have something important to say to you!  First things first, you are a weird kind of Robot.  Nothing personal.” I scoffed as I said this to the Robot.  My mind drifted to all of the other Robots I tried to help over the months and how they all rejected me.  This is the last chance I have to prove myself to my fellow friends that I’m not useless. 

      “They are just like a puzzle” I mumbled to myself.  I looked at my feet not able to look at the Robot in the eyes anymore.

      “The way you march around from place to place doing unknown things, how your hands are always covered in crimson liquid... I have a bad feeling about what you are doing is causing you to go down a dangerous path.”  I looked up and inhaled a deep breath relaxing myself.

      “I the powerful Ryan, see a wonderful potential within you that has yet to disappear!  To me everyone has potential to be a good person if they try to!  And me, I hardly have to try to be a good person anymore, lucky me!”  I put my hand on my chest letting out a small laugh on what I had said about myself, not at the robot.

      The Robot started walking towards me, which startled me.  “I see you are trying to approach me.”  I sighed impatiently.  Suddenly an idea popped in my head, a stupid one at that but still I thought I would test it to see if I had finally done something right in my whole life."

      "Are you trying to approach me with a hug of acceptance?  Hmm, maybe you are.  If you are I welcome you with open arms!”  I opened my arms like I was going to hug the Robot.

      I had made many stupid mistakes in my life, I admit to this. But this... this was the worst mistake I have ever made in my life.  I had no idea what was going to happen.

      It was too late, I saw the Robot pull a knife from its pocket.  I tried to jump back but something jumped in front of me...   knocking me to the side.

      “Huh, what happened”   I said as I pulled my head out of the snow, where I had recently face planted.  Who could have possibly pushed me aside?  No one was there but me and the Robot that I knew of.

      The wind finally stopped and I saw the figure that pushed me away from the robot.  My heart shattered and I stared in shock, it was my older brother Phantom.  He slowly turned and looked at me smiling his big smile like he always had.  When he spoke his voice clearly betrayed him.

      “I did warn you little brother to be careful.”  The wind started to howl again, I could barely see him anymore.  “Go home little brother and get warm...  I’ll see you soon I promise...”  After he said that he disappeared in the snow.  I ran home, but I never found him.

       The Robot had just slowly walked off to finish what it started.  Which if you haven’t figured it out yet is killing all humans who cross its path.

                                      THE END

The author's comments:

Hi, I was inspired by some little fan fiction I have read in this past year I combined what I thought would be a good story and poof! Yay, this is the first story I have wrote since i was 8 or 9.  :)  

I also got the ideas from all of my friends at my old school!

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