Horror on Daansen road | Teen Ink

Horror on Daansen road

December 19, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a dark and stormy night at the Houlihan household.  I was 9 years old and watching my first horror movie with the family.  The dog was chewing on a bone, we were watching The Blair Witch Trials. All of a sudden, we heard on the back door,  knock, knock, knock.  I checked the door and there was nothing there.  Weird…  I sat back down and not ten minutes later we heard it again.  This time louder.  KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!  I opened the door but again, nothing was there.  However, I heard a voice.  “I WANT MY BOOOOOONE!”  Clearly freaked out, I sat back down for the movie thinking I had imagined it. 
Soon enough the movie had ended, and we went to bed.  Sometime around midnight i heard my brother making quite a ruckus downstairs.  Thinking something was wrong, I hurried down to see what was going on but found no one downstairs.  Frazzled I headed back to bed, but I could not sleep.  I told my brother of the instances and he assured me I’m overreacting because the movie we watched was too scary for me, but he was wrong.  Trying to explain what was going on, I told the whole family hoping they would believe me and help me understand what happened.  Again, I was told I was imagining things, but i was sure of what I heard.  I went to bed.  My mind was on the noises, the voice, and the bone.
Two weeks went by and I heard nothing out of the ordinary.  Then one night, I heard loud crashing and a blood curdling screech.  We ran downstairs to find my dog hiding behind the couch, blood dripping from his mouth. We found he was missing all his teeth, and his favorite bone was gone.  It was the ghost…    

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