My... | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By Deadric BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
Deadric BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What I plan to write aobut is not what you may think. I do not plan to write a poem or a fiction. And what I intend to write may seem like fiction,
except it's from my heart. I have hopes and dreams that I wish to explore, yet they may never come true. I wish to have everything that I ever wanted in life,
yet that may never happen. I wish to know everything in the world, yet I will never learn more than I can yearn. I have ideas and dreams, yet it may never come true.
You may ask yourself, why am I telling you what I feel and what I yearn? I don't know, yet I know that I don't want to be lonely. I am simply writing this to talk.
You may have thought that I'm being selfish, writing this just to talk, yet I have no one, and you are my inmaginary friends. My friends who I can talk too, yet never
hear. The friends that I have yet to see, the friends I have yet to play with. The friends that know all of my secrets and whom I love. If you understand the urge to
never be alone, well, we're in the same mindset. I don't know how to go on, yet I know that someday I'll meet all of my friends who I wish so very much to meet. My
heart is a cavern as I am alone in this dark wonderland, waiting for the light to grasp my hand and show me the way. I know that I'll be their one day, and that thus
I have prepared a letter for you. I have nope that you may read this one day, yet to grasp the truth, I may never read your words. I have so much room and time, I'll
never run out.

Dear "Friends",
  Hello! If your reading this, you have found my hope and are hopefully reading this with me in a place of peace. If not, and I'm not with you,
then I hope that you become my friend, or friends. I know that I may never escape from my endless wonderland, but you may have aready left yours. If
so, I wish that you write me a letter too, if not too much of a worry. I'm quite alone and have yet to seen anyone for many years. Could you kindly write
down whom you are and what your like. Heck, write down anything, like how you've been that day and how your life is. Write down what you like too, cause mabey
we could have common interests. And if that happens, we could be friends. Cause I don't know what the word friend means. I only know this box that I live in.
The box that won't let me escape to find my friends. You see, the word "friend" is like a blessing and a curse. A "friend" will be there when you need it and
will help you up when you fall down. A "friend" could also stab you in the front and bring everything and everyone that you love against you. You won't do that
to me, would you? I don't like pain. It makes a weird feeling in my heart that makes me crwal into the corner and cry. The tears don't stop coming. Won't you
find me? Help me from my curse? I just want a friend that would love me for who I am. I know, I know. I'm sorry for boring you with all this "nonsense". Mabey
if you did find me, could you turn your back like everyone else? Cause that's all I am. The one to be forgotten. The one to be forsaken. The one to disapear.
Please, don't leave me.
       From, your best friend in the whole world, your BFF!

Can you see how creative I am? My other friends are telling me not to write this. They keep speaking in my head and they won't stop. They say that you won't
help us. I say that you will. Why? Cause I just know. I know that one day in this pit, you'll throw down the ladder and grasp my hand ever so tightly,a nd release me
from my prison. Will you release us? Well, We're waiting. Why aren't you here yet? Why do you hate us? Are we not what you wanted? I'm just trying to be me, and nobody
will acept me. Well, quess what! I have friends now. People keep coming in the box. I can't find the door. The box is'nt so dark anymore. I see so many people. They're
all looking at me. Some are small, some are big, some are colorful, some are men, some are women, some are there, some are not, some... I don't know what they are saying.
I just see the darkness that they emit. I don't know. I don't know. Can I see them for whom they speak too? Why do they speak to me? What have I done... Am I a monster?
Am I a white silhouette in the maze of white? They touch me and I move. They move when I do. Do they fear me? Are they not my friends? A man keeps coming in... He's
wearing a coat. He has a needle. There are more men and women. They're all crying. They keep holding each other and looking at me. Why do they? The man in the coat and
2 others are coming closer. They have me. The needle is going into my skin. I feel pain. I slowly see dark. The other men and women are holding me now. I have friends.
Friends who hold me. Friends who stay by until the end. I'm so happy...

The author's comments:

This is just something that felt right to make. 

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