The Book | Teen Ink

The Book

April 25, 2016
By anna7harris BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
anna7harris BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
With God anything is possible.

Darkness was all I could see... No one in sight... No help.....

Someone help please....


I shot up in my bed when the nightmare was over. I honestly didn't know what to think. The dreams were now becoming nightmares and I couldn't handle it. I had no one to lean on or call when this happened. My parents don't know this happens to me. Even if they did know, would they believe me? Honestly, I don't know anymore. 

I got up and went to my doorway and stepped on something or did my foot hit something? Well, i looked down and saw a book of some kind. On the cover it had "Do Not Read".... Um, don't be dumb and not read it. I went back in my room and opened it. It was blank....huh? 

"What is this?" I asked myself. I threw the book on the bed and looked at it. But when I did, something looked back at me. I came closer and it

"Huh? Wait,this is me but with black eyes?" I was talking to myself, which i never do. i got closer and closer....then BAM!

It tried to attack me! It jumped and tried to attack me. Then i realized what kind of book it was. 

I had to get rid of it somehow. I grabbed my shoes, a match, and headed outside in the backyard. I took the book to the edge of the woods and set the sucker on fire. i watched it burn to ash and i walked off back into the house. i was relieved when........

"Janeeee....Jannneeee come baaaaaaaack" 

"Come on Jane.. come play with me...."

"Come on...pleeeeeeaaase"

i stopped dead in my tracks, breathing hard i turned around and saw the last face i will ever see....

My sister......

My cold dead body was on the ground. My sister standing above me, laughing. 

The last words i heard were....

"You shouldn't have read the book"

I shouldve listened.....

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