Letter from oppa | Teen Ink

Letter from oppa

April 7, 2016
By erahzhrah BRONZE, Terengganu, Other
erahzhrah BRONZE, Terengganu, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fashion can be bought, but style cannot

Why it was so hard to meet your idol? My idol? Believe me thats all of us must have at least one idol in our life. But, idol means that someone that we admire from far. They even noticed us even we just 1 meter from them. Well, we just admire someone form far and maybe we just dreaming to marry our idol one day. But the truth is, it's just a dream that we call happy dream. I also have someone that I admire and also I admire him from far.

   Everyday, I love to stalk him on any applications that I have in my phone. I always heard to his songs and maybe I will search for his cute photos. But, you know, one day when I was reading the Wattpad application, I suddenly noticed one of the title of a story that I feel wanted to read it. And, of course, I read it. The title is, 'letter from you idol'. Who didn't want read it? Of course everyone will open it.

   'You call me your idol, you care for me, some even say they love me. I do love you, however, not the way you romantically see me. I know it's hard, but you will have to about forget me. I am not perfect, I am but a performing artist working to fulfill my dreams, some I say on TV, are the truth but some are not. Excuse me if I break your heart, I am only someone you admire from a far, and I cannot..... sadly make your dreams come true. So work hard, study hard and eventually you'll be happy like me to fulfill your own dreams. Once again, I still love you, but not the way you do'.

   Thats the letter from my idol. I read it and suddenly I feel my tears. It's really sad when you have to admit on what the letter said are all true. And starting on that day, I learned to admire someone for goodness and I will study hard to fulfill my own dreams. Well it will makes me more happy than admire my idol. I still love you, my idol, but I have something that I have to do to be happy like you. A happy person thats have fulfill his dreams.

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