New Dad | Teen Ink

New Dad

March 15, 2016
By OdessaBell SILVER, Vista, California
OdessaBell SILVER, Vista, California
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people!"

She decided to go to her father’s grave to ask his advice on how to get along with her new step dad. When she arrived at the spot she fell to her knees, crying out to her father. “Daddy, I need you to come back!! Mommy got married again and the man is asking me to call him Dad.” She sobbed, as much as she loved her mother and was glad that her mother was happy, she didn’t want to have to replace her Daddy with a man who just appeared in her life. “Daddy, he is not you! I don’t know what to do anymore!” She felt warmth in her heart and heard the voice of her father speak to her. “Dear Daughter, I know how hard this is for you. I love you and I hope that you know that. The man is not replacing me, he is simply making up for the time that I can not be there with you. He is a good man and if you give him a chance, you will be able to find peace and friendship with him. You don’t have to call him Daddy if you don’t want to. But I’m sure that your mother would appreciate it! Try to go easy on your mother, this is a hard trial for her too. I love you sweetheart and I always will!” She felt the warmth slowly seep away. She wiped away the last few tears on the tip on her nose and chin. She got up and said “Thanks you Daddy, I love you too! I will try!” Then she turned and left. When she arrived home, the man said to her “How was your walk child?” She smiled and said “ It was great Daddy.” She hugged him and as she pulled away, she looked up at him and tears were streaming down his face. “I have been hoping that you would accept me, I want you to know that I will never replace your dad! I love your mother very much and I love you as well! I hope that we can become best friends, you are an amazing young girl!” She smiled and continued to hug him. There was a gasp coming from behind them, they both turned to see her mother smiling and tears streamed down her face. She moved toward them and joined in the hug. “I thought that I’d never see this day! I love you both very much!”

The author's comments:

This is a story of a girl and her new dad!


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