Embarrassment | Teen Ink


February 28, 2016
By Crazy.Kid BRONZE, Johor Bahru, Other
Crazy.Kid BRONZE, Johor Bahru, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

            Embarrassment is something that everyone hates to have or experienced. The anxiety and discomfort felt during that time which may only last in a few seconds feels like the time stood still.
             I have experienced once when I was form 2. That time, I was really in trouble. Waiting for the school bell to ring was what I focused on the most instead of listening what the teacher said in the class. Ring! Ring! Ring! The school bell rings loudly. I quickly get out from class and ran as fast as I could to reach the most important place for me on that time. My other friends who were buying foods at the canteen didn't realise my absence among them at all. No one noticed I was rushing that time.
             When I reached at the entrance of the place, I quickly ran into the cubicle without realising that I had entered the wrong place. The girls' toilet. I heard giggling outside and I wondered why the giggles sounded unusually near. A few minutes later I came out the cubicle and discovered my horror that I've entered the girl's toilet. To make matters worse, the few girls standing outside didn't even turn away when I came out. Instead they looked down at me,then only they turned quickly away. Horror of horrors, I had forgotten to zip up! No beetroot could have matched the colour of my face at this point in time!
               The news of my predicament spread like wild fire throughout school. I was truly the talk of the town. I felt like I could either walk around feeling perpetually self-conscious and embarrassed or I could turn the situation round, perhaps even to my advantage. I remembered my mother's words that 'if you can't beat them,join them'.So I decided to make fun of myself,to laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored after a while and nobody teased me after that.
              It was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people laugh at you, you should laugh along. You must not take yourself seriously. Learn to look at yourself through other people's eyes and you will realise that the most of the time when they laugh at you, they just want to have fun. They mean no harm. If you can make people laugh, its's like bringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said,'those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves'.

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