A life cut short | Teen Ink

A life cut short

January 14, 2016
By Erin51 BRONZE, Christchurch, Other
Erin51 BRONZE, Christchurch, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The dust from the explosion of bricks and cement floated around me like a fog. I coughed and spluttered, tears starting to form as a fought for clean air to breath. Calling for him I fumbled into the debris toward his feeble voice. I called out for him again and found him. Scrambling to free him, his prison of crumbling bricks and dirt seemed never ending. Two bleeding hands and ten bruised fingertips later, I dragged him from the pile of what i used to know as 'home' and pulled him into my lap. I searched his face for any sort of life and felt tears stream from my eyes. My brothers eyes; as green as ever were set staring up at the non-existent ceiling into the bleak grey sky. I checked for a pulse. There was none. I checked again. Again no beats of crimson blood flowing through his veins. Instead there was nothing. I checked one final time. Nothing. I burst into violent sobs as I clung to his small shoulders. Pushing his eyelids closed forever, tears from my eyes fell onto his cold cheeks. Losing the battle to fight back the  tears, I carried him into his favourite place. The garden. What was once my father's pride and joy filled with flowers of all varieties and short, healthy, velvet green grass was now just a square of jungle. Overgrown ivy hung limp on the rotting fences. The patches of colour that were the flowers were nowhere to be seen and the grass was up to my knees. I laid him down and walked slowly back to the house to fetch a remaining shred of cream curtain. I wrapped his frail form in the curtain and dug a deep hole. Kissing his dirt covered forehead for the last time, I laid him to rest forever in the ground and covered his body with the mound of recently moved dirt by the side of me. Tears still streaming I collapsed into a heap of shuddering sobs and clutched my knees as I rocked back and forth for what felt like years. He was dead. My little brother was dead. Dead. I sobbed again with the thought that my eight year old brother would never again pick up a ball and kick it. That he would never again run around screaming as we played tickle chase. My brother would never have the future he deserved. I looked up. The sky was darkening, the clouds forming a blanket of grey over the horizon. Stars speckled the sky like my brother's freckles. I stood, brushed away my tears and took a deep breath. Walking back to the dump of debris that was once my safe haven I glanced at my brother's 'grave' one last time, said a silent prayer that wherever he went if there was an afterlife, that he would be happy, that he would find mum and dad and Ron our overly fluffy ginger tabby. I checked my trusty black gun for ammo and slipped it back into it's holster and started towards my destination. Three hours and I would be there. I would hold my gun up to his smirking face and shoot his brains out. I walked quicker, anger and adrenalin pulsing through my veins impatiently as my anger built and built inside me as if it was a growing ball of fury. My fists clenched, I thought of my target. My target, with all of his towering height. My target with his crystal blue eyes. My target with a charming voice. My target. The man who mercilessly blew up my house; killing my brother and destroying all I knew and loved. The ball of fury rose, my cheeks turning a bright crimson, the pupils of my pale green eyes dilating. I was going to kill him. I was going to kill him. I was sure of it. I was going to kill him tonight. I gripped hold of the gun and walked towards the path that lead to him and whispered messages to all those that I had loved, to those he had taken from me. Before I knew it I was at his front door and smashed it open with a high kick. Running down to the basement as silent as a scared mouse I faced him. Whipping out my gun, I pointed it at his chest just as he pulled out his. We stood for a few moments watching each other. Waiting. Locking eyes in an unbreakable stare. We place our fingers on our triggers in sync. Taking another breath I steadied myself. Said another prayer. Then one of us was brave enough to end the other with a deafening 'BANG!' A body fell to the floor blood gushing from the newly formed hole in their chest. The other stepped over the body and ran...

The author's comments:

I'm going to be completley honest with you guys, I don't know why I wrote this. I guess the idea just came to me and I seized it. But anyway I hope you enjoy it. This is the first one I've ever shared with anyone so yeah. Thanks. 

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