Clouds | Teen Ink


November 23, 2015
By OurScreamsNeverLast BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
OurScreamsNeverLast BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stood alone on an old, mossy cobblestone bridge. It was where you always took me and told me stories. Though not these last few years. No, I came alone, only with a memory of you that was slowly fading.

I twirled a dull gray umbrella, that was once yours, on my shoulder and looked up towards the sky. My thoughts wandered as I payed no attention to the clouds.
I hadn’t noticed as the clouds twisted and spun downwards. Deepening and lighting different areas as the clouds took on a human shape.
“Hello, sweet girl,” I heard a soft familiar voice.
My head turned quickly towards the noise. What stood in front of me, took my breath away and left me speechless. It was you, but it wasn’t quite how I remembered you.
I gasped, taking a couple steps back as I left the umbrella fall from my hands.
The clouds laughed, what sounded like a thunder. “Do not fear me,” the soft voice spoke again. I could just feel and hear the gears in my head turning as I remembered the voice belonged to you.
“I love you,” the clouds spoke, “I miss you,” they added, a smile formed.
I bit my lip, as I felt the skies start raining, again. Though it wasn’t till a cloudy hand touched my cheeks that it was warm tears rolling quickly down them.
“Grandmother?” I questioned,
The cloud smiled, bringing out a hand, extending on finger that pointed towards my heart. “Even when memories fade you’ll remember me there,” she whispered. Her smiled softened as she caressed my cheek.
I quickly reached my hand up to hers but all I was left with was a single, bright red tulip.
The meaning of love.

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