The Demon Inside | Teen Ink

The Demon Inside

August 18, 2015
By Anonymous

The young girl padded bare-foot across the damp grass, her toes squishing on the soft ground. She had been wandering around for far longer than she could remeber. Tucking a stray lock of ebony black hair behind her ear, she glancse up at the sun, presperation showing along the her forehead. Staring at the bright sun, the young didn't blink for quite awhile, and only when she started to notice white spots along her vision, did she turn away from the blinding light. Sweeping her gaze across the grassy hillside, she slowly sat on the ground, tucking her knees against her chest and resting her arms on her kneecaps. Her gaze tranfixed on a small tree, lonley on the ever-barren grassy landscape. "I know how you feel..." The young girl whispered to the tree, "I don't have anyone anymore either." Biting her bottom lip to stop from sobbing, the young girl closed her eyes hard and wept the hurt away. "Why do you cry, child?" A old voice asked in return, soft fingers gently brushing the girls wet cheek. "I have no one," said the girl, sniffling as she looked up at the withered face of the elderly woman. The old woman smiled, showing straight white teeth, she gently cupped the child's face in the palms of her hands. "Neither do I, young one, but what will you think of yourself if you give up?" The child, frowning softly, looked at the woman once again. "I don't know." She replied, her chin trembling. "Yes, you do know young one. Don't ever give up, you are strong, you have spirit, you will survive, you will find someone you love, and you will grow strong and intelligent." Cooned the woman, smilung gently before straightening. "How do you know?" Sniffled the child, gazing up. But the woman was gone, and the only other living thing around, was the small tree.

The author's comments:

Simply thought that everyone should have the small voice in their heads, helping them through their life...

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 25 2015 at 9:40 am
IndustrialRevolution BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through the pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort of bravery I must have now." ~Tobias Eaton

Pardon my grammar mistakes, I was rushing to finish it and was typing fast. Thanks everyone for the support! Wait for more articles to come!