My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

August 14, 2015
By NDMF33 BRONZE, Jerantut, Other
NDMF33 BRONZE, Jerantut, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked around me. Kuala Lumpur has become a very busy city. The city is packed with people from all kinds of races. I looked up at all the sky-scrapers around this big city. I smiled when I looked up at the Petronas Twin Towers which is one of Malaysia's most amazing attraction in Kuala Lumpur. I have to say, I am proud to be a Malaysian.

I am proud to be a Malaysian because of the heroes sacrificed themselves for Malaysia's bright future. Because of their heroism, Malaysia has become a successful and peaceful country with different kinds of races working together to ensure Malaysia's bright future. What makes me more proud of these heroes is because of them is my father.

Years ago, I just came back from school when I saw my father getting outside the house. He was wearing his army suit. Is he going somewhere? I ran towards my father as fast as I could. When he saw me, a smile crossed his face.
"Father, where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm going to save the country, son." He answered with a smile.
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.
"I want to save the country so that the country will become more successful in the future. Therefore, you can chase your dreams and serve the country." He replied while holding my hands tightly.
"When will you come back?" I asked nervously.
My father hesitated for a while.
"Always bear in your mind that I will always be with you. As my only son, I hope that you can take good care of your mother and sister for me."  He said with spark of hope. I could clearly see it in his eyes.
Then, I hugged my father with tears flowing.
"I promise, father." I said between sobs.
I didn't realize that was the last hug between me and my father. I watched sadly as my father left our home.
One fine day, I was studying in my room until I heard the phone ringing. My mother rushed to answer the call.
Her face immediately changed when she picked up the receiver. By the look of her face, I could tell that something wasn't right. A few minutes later, my mother put down the receiver and was in a deep silence.
My curiousity was starting to grow over me. Therefore, I approached her.
"Mother, is everything alright? Who called just now?" I asked but there was no answer.
My mother was still quiet and she seemed disturbed. I didn't want to feel stressed out so I walked away, still hoping for an answer. Suddenly, my mother burst into tears which made me surprised. I quickly rushed towards her.
"Mother, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked but she was still crying.
"Is it because of the call you received just now?" I asked again. Then, she slowly lifted up her head and looked deep into my eyes.
"Son, I want you to be strong when I tell you this." My mother said while grasping my shoulders.
"Tell me what?" I asked in surprise.
"Your father is......gone." My mother said and began crying again.
I felt my world spinning round and round when I heard this. My whole body weak. Seeing me like this, my mother quickly took my hand.
"You shouldn't be sad, dear. In fact, we should be proud of him. Because of your father's heroism, out country is finally at peace" said my mother and she pulled me into a hug.
In her arms, I couldn't help but cry.

Today, I had never been proud before in my entire life. As I looked around me, I felt proud. Whenever I thought of my father, I didn't cry. In fact, I smiled. Why? Because I know that he is happy although I cannot see him with my own eyes.
I looked up at the blue sky and smiled.
"Father, I just want you to know that you are my hero."

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