Fright | Teen Ink


April 30, 2015
By KLink BRONZE, Houston, Texas
KLink BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I felt like my heart was about to leap out of my chest. My feet pounded the ground as I ran. Let me get away, please, I thought.
A shriek jerked me away from my writing. What just happened..? I walked away my place in the local library, and I peered around the bookshelves. It seemed like my blood was pumping loudly.
I checked my watch; apparently it's already 7PM. Being the librarian's daughter, I was expected to wait for my dad to close up the library and take us both back to our lonely apartment.
Back to my investigation of the bloody scream, I cautiously checked out the library.
"Hello..? Dad?" No response. Oh boy, that doesn’t seem good.
I flipped open my phone and dialed Dad's number. Again, no response.
I began walking slower in a fighting stance with my fists ready to fly out and protect myself. Lord help me now.
"Daddy? Are you here?"
Behind me a bunch of books hit the floor, making me shriek and jump around.
"Oh fudge nuggets," I whispered, shaking in my place.
I dropped to the floor and crawled to the shelf with a couple, now missing, books. Peering past the shelf, I saw no one.
"Umm.. Hey Casper, mind not scaring me..?" Look at me, talking to an imaginary ghost. Where's Dad???
I felt a whisper of wind pull at my hair.
"Eckk!" Being the scaredy cat I am, I just had to respond to the strange wind. I didn’t even hear the AC turn on.
I glanced at the clock on the wall. Why were the numbers floating around? This is too strange.
Suddenly, gloomy music just decided to fill the library.
"What the fudge sticks?" This is getting stranger and stranger.
"DADDD! Where are you?" My voice sounds so desperate.
The music then just shut down, which unfortunately included the lights.
"AHHHHHH!!" Oh lord. I felt like my heart had leapt out of my chest.
You know what, I'll just run out the doors, if I can make it.
I slowly stood up and looked around for any more suspicious behavior.
Okay, I can make it.
I set out at full speed towards the glass doors. The thing is, when I reached the doors, they were locked!
"UGHHHHHHHH!" I groaned. Why? Why me? I'm too young to die!
I imagined the headlines: 17 year old girl dies from paranormal activities in a library. That doesn’t sound so good for me.
I banged the glass door.
"HELP ME!" I yelled.
Except, this library faces an alley which barely anyone entered except for the usual people.
"Oh chicken nuggets."
The lights flickered back on, allowing me to see more clearly.
I tried to pry the automatic glass doors apart. Of course that didn’t work.
I didn’t want to break any glass because that'll mean that I'll have the pay the library back for the broken glass. Oh lord help me now.
"Why me," I whined. I kept pounding on the door.
Then, I heard a ghost moan. Well maybe it wasn’t a ghost, but it still creeped the shucks out of me.
A voice let out an evil laugh," MUAH HAHAHA!"
"…Who is there," my voice faltered.
"HAH HAH HAH," the voice replied. "I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE."
"Uhh okay.. Well, I'll just get going and you can scare yourself or what not," I replied.
"NO," the voice boomed. "BECAUSE IT IS… YOUR BIRTHDAY!"
My dad and all of my friends suddenly popped out and yelled," Happy Birthday Brooke!"
I was so confused.
"Huh?" I replied.
My best friend, Summer, was cracking up.
"Your expression, I swear, hi-lar-ious!" Summer just kept laughing. "I'm so happy that I recorded your face."
I sighed. "Oh my gosh. Can you not? Y'all scared the daylights out of me!"
"This was too funny," my dad laughed. "Thank god I thought of this prank!"
I reached for the cake that he was carrying and smashed it into my dad's face.
"Now that expression is hilarious," I stated.
I joined all of my 6 close friends in their laughter. Oh I'll get all of them back soon, for sure.

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