For A Thousand Years... | Teen Ink

For A Thousand Years...

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

 Alone I’ve been here, for over a thousand years. I live here, I sleep here, and I will do this forever alone. I can hear nothing, for the cold vacuum of space rips the sound away from any noise, I’ve shouted and screamed only to hear the emptiness of space. I cannot feel, for my fingers have numbed canceling any sensation of touch. I cannot taste, for my mouth had dried many centuries ago. I cannot smell, for space once again denies even this simple comfort. But I can see, I can see the now, the future and the past. All things are bleak, both past and present. But the future, the future is bright for all those but me. I sit here, feeling the gnawing of madness creeping upon my brain like moss upon a rock. My heart aches for any form of companion or life, for even a fleeting moment would save me from the insanity.

But that will not come to pass, so I shall succumb, forever lost to the madness

The author's comments:

Something I had written a while back, wanted to get some opinions on it.

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