The Blogger | Teen Ink

The Blogger

March 2, 2015
By mymilan BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
mymilan BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
stars shine because they are full of secrets. - shantaram.

In this day and age everything is possible. Anybody can do absolutely anything and anybody’s dreams can come true. This particular story is of a young blogger, Sophie.
Sophie is a teenager who lives in Goa. She is an avid blogger who writes about travelling to new places. She started with a small visit to Mumbai where she stayed for merely a day but she managed to visit all the exciting places in the city of dreams. When she came back home she had a sudden urge to write about her visit and that’s exactly what she did. From that day onwards she started writing about her travels and tours.
One day she selected her best travelogues and submitted them to her teacher. Sophie’s teacher was impressed by her writing and advised her to start writing a blog. Excited by the idea she made an account on Wordpress and began uploading all her articles. As her blog expanded from one to ten and then from twenty to thirty articles she became quite famous. Her blog was called Banjara which literally means nomads . Within just three months she had fans who posted comments on her posts. People eagerly waited for latest posts. They started travelling to places Sophie wrote about like Mahabaleshwar or Ooty or any other place that sounded fascinating to them.
  In the last months of that year Sophie was visited by a journalist who wanted to write about a teenager who became famous writing a blog about her travels. What Shalani , the journalist couldn’t understand was how  it possible for a teenager to travel so much. Thus  she decided to pay a little visit to Sophie to know what her story was and decided that if it is at all interesting she would write about it in her newspaper.
From Sophie’s blog Shalini came to know that the former studied in St.Agnes  school.  When Shalini saw Sophie she could not believe her eyes , she saw that Sophie was paralysed. She sat down beside Sophie , who was sitting on her wheelchair. Shalini introduced herself and asked Sophie to tell her about her visits and the truth astonished Shalini.
When Sophie was 6 years old she went to Mumbai with her parents , on her way back they met with an accident which left Sophie’s parents dead and both her legs dysfunctional. Since then she had been living In St. Agnes orphanage and went to St Agnes school. When she turned 17 she wrote about her visit to Mumbai omitting the accident . She remembered her father as someone who called himself a banjara and wanted to travel the world. The passion of travelling was passed on to Sophie though she  didn’t have any money , could not walk and her life was confined within the orphanage and the school  yet her aspiration to travel continued to grow.
What she wrote were not her visits but her aspirations. She used to read about a place thoroughly and then used to write an imaginary visit to that place. Soon she started writing a blog about the visits she never made , about the places she had never seen , only aspired to.
Shalini was extremely impressed by Sophie’s story. She asked Sophie to compile all her blogs and write an extra chapter which tells the readers the truth. Sophie’s book was titled Banjara. It was published by Shalini’s newspaper. As expected it became a bestseller. The book became such a hit that it opened new doors for Sophie. The government of Goa gave her a scholarship , all her higher education is now funded by the government. She can study in her choice of institution. She now has enough  money to study in a reputed institution and travel too. She can now write about actual visits , she no longer needs to read about a place she can easily visit those  despite the fact that she can’t walk. To sophie that’s no longer an issue.

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Niharika said...
on Mar. 27 2015 at 1:02 pm
Amazing is all I can say!

Mehar said...
on Mar. 27 2015 at 5:04 am
It's a good start. Looking forward for more. How about I tell you about my dream? You can express it in your own words and post it.

Naina said...
on Mar. 27 2015 at 1:58 am
I love it . Its really nicee!

aayush said...
on Mar. 27 2015 at 12:18 am
Very well imagined and depicted.The message was quite motivating that Dreams and imagination can never be shackled.Well done. Looking forward to your next work.
Good luck.