Fading memories | Teen Ink

Fading memories

January 25, 2015
By Siyayl BRONZE, Johannesburg, Other
Siyayl BRONZE, Johannesburg, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"All great things worth having require great sacrifices worth making."

He lived, He loved. He was here. He did everything that he wanted and it was more than he thought it would be. He left his mark so everyone would know he was here. He left this world a little better just because he was here.

I remember the day he was taken away from me. The wonderful memory of the day at the lake, the sun above us and the water glimmering blissfully..I remember racing him with my horse, laughing like crazy. I remember arguing with him when I lost. He only smiled indulgently. It made me forget the abuse I encountered that morning, the endless tears which he managed to dry. He took me away from my reality to experience a piece of heaven with him. only for it to be snatched moments later when an accident took him away...way too far for me to reach. The accident left him in severe coma for two years, looking back I regret not treasuring the moments as much as I should have. today I stand here, only few hours left before the machine is stopped and his life over. Today I walk along the same lake lost in thought.how did life change so fast.

Going back to the time when we played games on this very sand, kicked ball with our feet and rode our horses into sunset. I stop at the place I freed myself from my demons. I was on top of my horse, he was atop his and I remember letting go. destroying the wall that was no longer needed. I see the horse that once was his pride and I let the tears fall. A bond formed as children and only strengthened by adulthood. I remember the hopes and future we discussed that day, the wind celebrating with us . My best friend, my companion, who gave me both Heaven and hell in one day. If we could only have this life for one more day, If we could only turn back time.

My love, my heart Is breathing for this moment In time, I’ll find the words to say before you leave me today. I look to the water and I wipe away the tears. He gave his all and The hearts he has touched, will be the proof that he made a difference. I can only hope his at a better place and with that I began to walk away. It's time to say goodbye.


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