The Darkness Ahead | Teen Ink

The Darkness Ahead

May 31, 2014
By Autumn Scheer BRONZE, Melboure, Florida
Autumn Scheer BRONZE, Melboure, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I sprinted through this darkness, I peeked behind me to see all of my fears racing ahead, fighting each other to get closer. All of my demons, chasing me, and not at the least bit weary.

I was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Everything, all of my worries and emotions over the years have built up, and now beat at me tirelessly like an unforgiving tidal wave.

Looking back into the impenetrable darkness, I realized that my life should be filled with opulence. Instead, it’s filled with turmoil. Does everyone go through this? I find it hard to believe many people doubt every decision they have ever made. I find it hard to believe many people feel this hesitancy that bogs me down and impairs my vision like thick, heavy fog.

Fear in and of itself is very complex. Fear is either knowing too much or not enough of what lies ahead.

My distress is caused by the later. I cannot wrap my head around the concept of blindly embarking on an endeavor as tremendous as this one. Every single day people do so. And it continues to baffle me each time, without exception.

Peering behind me once more, I realize my speed was whittling by the second, whilst my pursuers were gaining momentum. As I succumbed to my greatest terrors, they grew stronger and stronger. But I won’t let them catch up.
Yes, the future was indeed blurry. But what’s the point of simple tasks? What’s the point of existing without having to overcome tough challenges? What’s the point of it all if we don’t have to fight?
As I sprinted through this unknown territory, I realized what I was running from was nothing physical, nothing tangible. It was maturity. It was responsibility. It was life.

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