In Hell | Teen Ink

In Hell

May 23, 2014
By Harshtimes BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Harshtimes BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I lay on a bed, in the dark, next to Him in hell. One tear falls as countless are held back. Their are shards of glass stuck in the back of my eyes as i hold them shut with all my strength. I gasp for air but instead realize the horror that i cant breathe. My back is killing me, i cant feel my legs, or arms , or my body. I feel like some animal being tortured for someones disgusting way of amusement. Dammit, why am i so weak, why cant i stand up to Him. I cant let him know I'm crying , i have to remain strong. Tomorrow is the day it all ends. I hope fore the better, the light in the dark. i would never forgive myself if he got hurt. I wouldn't be able to live anymore.

The author's comments:
Based on true story

him=little brother

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