The NBA 2020 lottery (Part 1) | Teen Ink

The NBA 2020 lottery (Part 1)

May 30, 2014
By Rob Behl BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Rob Behl BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Commissioner Adam Silver: My name is Adam Silver. Welcome to New York. Thank you so much for coming to support your team. There are lots of young soon to be rookies waiting to be part of the greatest basketball league in the world, so let’s get started. The Lakers are on the clock, starting now.

Meanwhile in the Lakers team office

Lakers GM: “Ok so we narrowed our picks to Shaquille , Wilt, and Isiah. We need someone who can bring in the crowds and help us win. Wilt is a great winner, but he’s not flashy enough. Shaquille and Isiah both win and both are fast and quick. The only problem is, is that Shaquille doesn’t pass and he has enough bricks to rebuild the wall of China. Isiah also gets a lot of technical fouls, but he can work over that. I’ll call Silver.” Ring Ring, Ring Ring. “ Hey Silver, we’re going with ...”

Back to New York

Adam Silver: “Now after a lot of deciding, with the first overall pick in the 2020 draft the Los Angeles Lakers pick ..... the 19 year old point guard out of UCLA, Isiah Thomas.”
Isiah runs up to the stage, he shakes Silver’s hand and takes a picture.

Isiah: “Thank you so much for this opportunity, and I won’t let the Lakers down.”
Isiah gets off the stage and goes back to his table.

Adam Silver: “Isn’t that just great folks. Now let’s get back on track, the knicks are on the clock. Well it looks like pick has already been made and with the 2nd pick the knicks pick ... Shaquille O'Neal, the 19 year-old power forward out of Michigan State University.”
Shaquille runs up to the stage, he shakes Silver’s hand and they take a picture.

Shaquille : “ I know there has to be a reason they picked, and whatever that reason is I’m sure I can do 100% percent better than they thought I could do it.”
Shaquille raises his hand as high as he can for a high-five from Silver. Silver has to jump in the air to give him a high-five. Then Shaquille leaves the stage.

Adam Silver: “Well isn’t he something. He’s almost as tall as the Empire State building. I’m sure the rest of players are getting anxious, so let’s get going. The Mavericks are on the clock with the 3rd pick.”
Meanwhile in the Mavericks team office
Mavericks GM: “Ok we are going to do an anonymous vote for who we pick or trade down. Everybody put your heads down. All in favor of Wilt Chamberlain, raise your hand.” (in his head) “1,2,3,4,5 ...”. (Outloud)“OK, now raise your hand if you want Steve Nash.” (in his head) “1,2,3,4,5 ...”. (Outloud)“OK, now raise your heads. ______ _______ got the most votes. I’ll make the call to Silver.”

Back to New York

Adam Silver: “It looks like the Mavericks finally picked, and with the 3rd overall pick, the Dallas Mavericks pick, 19 year-old center out of North Carolina, Wilt Chamberlain. Come up on the stage big guy.”
Wilt Chamberlain gets up and walks on the stage, he gets a quick picture with silver and he goes straight to the interview.
Interviewer: “Wilt do you think you got underrated in this draft? You lead the NCAA in scoring, rebounding, and blocks.”
Wilt: “I think I was meant to be picked as the 3rd pick in the draft and also drafted to be a Maverick. Jordan was the 3rd pick and I’ve loved the Mavericks forever. I’m just thankful I didn’t go to the Heat or something. I hope I’ll find a way to fill Dirk’s shoes.”
Interviewer: “Thanks Wilt.”
Wilt: “No problem.”
Wilt walks back to the his seat, while Silver starts to talk.
Silver: Now for the 4th pick in the draft, The Spurs are on the clock.”

Meanwhile in the Spurs office

Spurs GM (Jack): “Ok are we 100% we’re going to take Steve?”
Harry, the head coach: “We could trade down to the 7th pick and get Eric Bledsoe.”
Spurs GM: “Harry, that’s not such a bad idea. I’ll make the call to the Suns”

Back to New York

Adam Silver: “It seems as if the Spurs have traded their 4th pick,2020 2nd round, and 2021 second round for the Suns’ Eric Bledsoe and the 7th overall pick overall pick.”
The suns fans start going nuts, they almost brought the walls down with their tears of joy.
Meanwhile the Spurs’ fans start rioting chanting, “Get rid of Jack! Get rid of Jack!”
Adam Silver: “With that pick the Suns pick ... 19 year old SG out of Oregon, Kobe Bryant.”
Kobe runs up on stage and takes a picture.
Interviewer: “Kobe would you say that you got picked too early?”
Kobe: “I didn’t care where I was going to get picked, I’m happy I got picked 4th though.”
Kobe sits down and everything gets under way
Adam Silver: The Heat are on the clock

In Miami
Heat Gm (Dwyane Wade): “ I know why we shouldn’t pick Nash. He’s a point guard who doesn’t pass. Kobe probably would average more assists. Lets trade down with the Denver Nuggets. How do this sound, we trade our 5th pick and our 2021 1st round pick for Doug McDermott and the 10th pick. How does that sound coach?
Heat Coach (LeBron James): “Sounds good, make the call Wade.”
Heat GM: “Hey Joe (Nuggets GM), I was wondering if you would like to make a trade.”
Nuggets GM: “Sure whats your offer?”
Heat GM: “What about this, this years 1st round plus next years 1st round for your 10th pick and Doug McDermott.”
Nuggets GM: “Not interested put in your assistant coach, Chris Bosh, tell him he would be our head coach.”
Heat GM: “Bosh, you okay with that.”
Bosh: “You know it.”
Heat GM: “Fine its a deal, I’ll call Silver.”

Back in New York

Silver: “It looks as though we have another trade on our hands. The Miami Heat have traded their 5th pick, their 2021 1st round pick for the Nuggets’ 10th pick and Doug McDermott”


Nuggets GM: “Think about what an amazing guard tandem we could have. Ty Lawson at the 1 and Nash at the 2. If you disagree speak now or forever hold your piece.”
Nuggets GM: “I’ll make the call.”


Back in New York
Silver: “The pick is in. With the 5th pick in the 2020 NBA draft, the Denver Nuggets pick Steve Nash.”
Steve comes on the stage and Denver is going nuts

Interviewer: “Steve, I only have 1 question for you. Why did you drop so far in the draft?”
Steve: “In my opinion 5 isn't that low, and some people say I don't pass and I’m soft. I also think Michael Jordan should step down one step and make room for me at the top of the NBA”
Interviewer: “You’re very *cough* *cough* modest (sarcasm).”
Silver: “I’ll make sure Jordan hears that for you Steve. Done with all fun and games, the Celtics are on the clock.”

In Boston
Celtics GM: “We need a SG, a SF, and a C. Lets do some trading and see what we can do. What team is so desperate to get a player they’ll trade us some big player.”
Celtics coach: “I know the Bucks coach pretty well. He keeps telling me how he loves Clyde's range. I’m thinking we could try for Jabari and if that doesn't work we could get Sanders easily.”
Celtics GM: “Good job. I’ll call the Bucks GM right now.”
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring
Celtics GM: “Hey, what’s up. We want to trade down with you guys. But first, we want Jabari Parker and your 14th overall pick and your 2021 1st round pick. We are willing to give up our 6th pick and our 2021 1st round pick.”
Bucks GM: “I don't like it, we’re giving up too much. We take out our 2021 1st round pick and replace it with our 2020 2nd round and our 2021 2nd round pick.”
Celtics GM: “Fine. You got yourself a deal.”

Back to New York

Silver: “The Celtics have traded their 6th pick and their 2021 1st round pick for the Bucks’ 14th pick, 2020 2nd round pick, 2021 2nd round pick, and Jabari Parker.”


In Milwaukee
Bucks GM: “Clyde seems like the right pick, but what other options do we have. There’s Ray Allen, Charles Barkley, John Stockton, and maybe Allen Iverson.”
Bucks Coach: “Now that we traded Jabari we need a Small Forward. That means we pick Clyde.”
Bucks GM: “Good thinking. I’ll make the call.”

Back in New York
Silver: “With the 6th pick in the NBA draft, the Milwaukee pick Clyde Drexler out of Texas.”
Clyde comes up and shakes Silver’s hand. On his way down from the podium, he gets stopped by the reporter.
Reporter: “Clyde, how does it feel to drop out of the top 5?”
Clyde: “It doesn’t matter. I still got picked by a team that has a great fan base, great coach, and great young players.”
Clyde goes backstage to meet his future coach.
Silver: “The Spurs are on the clock.”

In San Antonio

Spurs’ coach (Tony Parker): “We have one point guard and nothing else. Who should we pick? Tim you got any ideas?”
Spurs’ GM (Tim Duncan): “I don’t see any great big guys, except Barkley. If we picked Barkley, there’s still the risk of him fouling out and getting technicals. I also think he doesn’t pass the ball. That’s what I studied. What about you Manu?”
Spurs’ co-GM (Manu Ginobili): “I studied guards, we could with a fast break team, and draft Allen Iverson. Iverson has great handles, a good shot, and great defense. On the other hand we could get Ray Allen. He can shoot from anywhere on the court, he can play positions 1-4, and he has lockdown defense.”
Tony Parker: “Let’s draft people how we do in France. Heads is Ray and tails is Iverson.”
Tony tosses the coin up in the air and it finally lands in Tony’s right hand. He takes it and puts it on the back of his left hand. It reads heads.
Tim Duncan: “I’ll call Silver.”

To Be Continued ...

The author's comments:
I just watched the movie, Draft Day. I thought I should write a piece, but about the NBA.

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