The Cemetery | Teen Ink

The Cemetery

April 25, 2014
By AmberFloyd23 BRONZE, Trumann, Arkansas
AmberFloyd23 BRONZE, Trumann, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."

The cemetery glares at me as I stand close to its mouth, deciding whether or not I should enter. It taunts me, wanting me to surrender to the emotions it will afflict on me. As I walk towards it, it opens its mouth and swallows me in the darkness of the night.

I walk down its concrete tongue, its pathway towards death. A wave of sadness and dread washes over me when I start walking across the grass. I am nearing my father’s grave, not wanting to continue my journey, but the graveyard is mocking me. I carry on.

I reach my father’s gravestone, one of the many cold, hard teeth of the cemetery. I kneel down, not wanting the cemetery to see my face as a waterfall of tears start pouring out my eyes. I talk to my dad, wishing he were with me. After my eyes dry and no more tears will fall, I stand up. The graveyard sees the redness of my eyes and the tear stains down my face. It starts laughing its evil laugh, and I sprint out of the cemetery, not daring to look back as the cemetery’s demonic grin fades into the distance.

The author's comments:
For my Creative Writing class, we had to give a place human characteristics.

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