why me | Teen Ink

why me

March 28, 2014
By jonathanchampion BRONZE, Sacremento, California
jonathanchampion BRONZE, Sacremento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the true me that everyone sees isnt me

Why ME
It was a dark and stormy night, and I was in my drug cluttered room. I had no light in my room because; my parents said the sun was my light.
“Jonathan get your butt in here now!” mom screams from the living room.

I already know what’s going to happen they are drunk and want to beat on me. I reluctantly do as she says. I stand up and take a step, to what I think is the door.

“Since when did the floor have soft fur?” I ask myself.

All the sudden, I feel this 4 legged animal jumps on my face. It’s scratching and biting me, in places regular animals don’t. I’m constantly pulling and swatting at this creature but it won’t let me go. When it finally jumps off I can feel blood leaking form the spots that I was scratched and bit. Instead of going to my parents I step back in my spot and plop on the floor.

“This boy wants to get beat think I’m playin’ with him” mom says in a southern accent walking down the hallway.

I hear her heavy feet stomping closer and closer to my door. Then it stops so I think the impossible I think she is going to walk away. Boy was I wrong; she breaks the door off its hinges. Charges like an angry bull shoving everything on my floor out of the way. I quickly get up and try to escape through the window.

“Where do you think you are goin’?” mom yells as she yanks me back in the room and slams me on the dirty carpet.

I hit the dirty floor head first then all I see is large meaty fists swinging in my direction. They hit me like a ton of bricks as I struggle to free myself. However she is way too strong and she ruins every chance of freedom. She goes at this for like another 30 minutes taking this way too far. When she leaves all I can do is sob.

“I hate you; you are always putting your ugly meaty hands on me!” I scream in between sobs.

I get up and tend to my cuts and bruises. I hardly slept that night it’s not like I have better nights anyway. I decide that I am going to run away and if I can … never come back. I sneak out of my bed room watching out for drug needles, unfinished cigarettes, and broken beer bottle glass. When I get to the front door I see my dad sleep on the couch with a cigar behind his ear, and my mom is sleeping on the kitchen table with a pot on her head. I open the front door and it creaks. I see my dog shredder with an empty food bowl, I look around to see if anyone is awake luckily they are still sleep.

“Where do you think you are going?” dad asks.

“I’m taking the trash out.” I respond kind of scared.

“Oh OK cool, its about time you started to …”Dad says before he doses off.

“Come on shredder lets get outta’ here.” I whisper just loud enough for the dog to hear.

When I set out of the door I feel a large tug on the other end. Its mom I guess she heard me talking to shredder.

“What do you think you are doing and where do you think you are going to go!” mom yells loud enough to fully wake dad up.

As I am tugging on the door afraid of getting caught, the only thing that is on my mind is how she got off the table and to the door so quickly. My mom is a big lady and she is could fling me around the world if I let her. I let the door go and they go tumbling to the floor. I open the gate and shredder and I sprint to the corner. I take a glance back to see if mom and dad have come after me.

“Hey watch where you are going bub” Rondo yells.

I stop and look at who was talking and it was my best friend rondo. I run over and give him a bear hug.

“Hey watch the arm I had broke it about 2 months ago just barley got the cast off. Anyway how you been man I stopped seeing you at school I thought you were a drop out and, I still have my thoughts though.” Rondo says when I set him on the floor.

“Everything is cool with me.” I respond

“Anyway come with me I’ve got something to show you!” Rondo says with excitement.

Rondo led the way to his mom’s apartment; we go inside and into his bedroom. He pulls a small box out of the bottom of the of his closet. It looks like an ordinary pair of shoes I wasn’t to fond of the look.

“Dude they are time jumper shoes!” Rondo yells.

“No way you built these that’s impossible. Can I try them out?” I ask.

“Sure I don’t mind at all.” Rondo answers.

I put the shoes on and do what I think is right I flip the back switch and think the time my parents got together. Out of nowhere a portal that looks no different than a black hole appears and I run through it. The first 2 people I see are my parents they look so happy and way thinner than my time. I walk over expecting them to realize me.

“Hey mom and dad” I say walking up to them.

“Do we know you and I haven’t gone in to labor yet so if I had a kid he wouldn’t be you.” Mom says really rudely

“You are being warned if you don’t treat you kid right and grow up from your teenage years then you son will soon run away.” I say.

I walk away as the stared me down when they turn away I jump back into my own time. I am hoping that this worked and when I go home everything will be different.

“Hey dude thanks for everything you are truly a good friend.” I say to Rondo.

“No problem.” Rondo says as I leave the apartment.

I leave and go home when I get there shredder isn’t in the front yard or by my side so I go inside. There I see shredder my mom and my dad. The house is clean my parents are actually thinner than usual. There are no drugs at all and they actually look happy I go and join then playing with shredder. Everything was cool until that night when they beat me for not washing the dishes…
To be continued…

The author's comments:
it was originally created by me and i put alot of time into it

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