What Is Reality | Teen Ink

What Is Reality

February 27, 2014
By becca_george BRONZE, Mountain View, California
becca_george BRONZE, Mountain View, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking home from school. When I got home I threw my backpack and things down on my table and headed to my room. I was about to go on my computer for homework when I noticed a note on my bed. I picked it up with growing curiosity. And started reading it. On it read:
Give me any thing I want
And you will get your family
Back. Otherwise you better
Start looking for a new one.
-your stepfather

I tried to read the name but it was too small and there was not enough light. I shouldn’t have stayed so long after school. The sun was already setting and I started panicking. My heart was racing. I didn’t know what to do. I shoved the note in my pocket. I ran around the house ignoring the possible danger waiting for me. I didn’t care, adrenaline was rushing through me, any doubting thought pushed fro my brain. They were nowhere to be found. Where could they be, it was already dark out they should have been back by now. I pulled out the note again and strained my eyes but I seemed to have smeared it. S***.

“Ok guys, that’s enough. You can come out now! Mom! Dad! Luke! C’mon guys. It’s not funny!” I screamed to the empty house. My voice breaking at the end, tears gliding down my cheeks. There was no answer, only the breeze from the open window next to me. I closed it as hard as I could out of frustration and cracked the glass, but I couldn’t care less. I leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor. I curled up into a ball and cried into my knees. I sat there on the floor till the sun rose the next morning. How am I supposed to find this person? I thought to myself, I can’t even read his name and he left no other clues as to who or where they are.

“I know what you can do.”

“Who said that?” great I’m hearing voices

“Just come to the kitchen.” My heart pounding, I slowly get up and cautiously walked down to the kitchen. When I got to the door I took a deep breath before entering. When I opened the door all the light was gone. Everything was dark, except for a single candle glowing on the island. Behind the candle I could see a man faintly lit up by the candlelight. I couldn’t make out his features very well but he spoke with a voice as sharp as a knife.

“So, Rae, I see you got my note.” I looked down into my hand to see I was holding it again. Wait, Rae? Was that my name? I guess so. When I thought about it I didn’t know anything about myself.

“Who are you?” I spoke without knowing what was coming out of my mouth.

“You don’t know?”

“No that’s why I’m asked idiot.”

“Oh, sassy much? Well since you clearly don’t recognize me I’ll just tell you. I’m your stepdad.”

“My stepdad? I thought mom and dad were doing fine.”

“Oh they were, I’ll show you why I am in charge of you now.” He said with a deep chuckle. Before I could do anything the floor opened up and we starting falling. Yet I wasn’t screaming. Just falling silently. Then in the blink of an eye we were in a room. My step dad hit a switch and lights lit up the room, revealing what lay in the darkness. Along the walls there were strange chambers. I walked over to one. I put my hand on the icy glass. I wiped away the condensation to see what was inside. It was a…a…a human?! They’re skin was pale and they seemed to be frozen in strange blue liquid. On the front was a screen with the number 2045.

“What is this?”

“I was just about to explain that. These are my test subjects I have created these time capsules where once you step in I put a year into that screen and it freezes you until that year. I put in different years for each one to see how long people can survive in the special solution I created. When it becomes the year on the screen the chamber automatically unfreezes the person inside. Neat huh?”

“No not neat. What if you kill these people?”

“Then oh well.”

“Where is my family?”

“I was getting to that. Follow me.” I followed him down the long room. The capsules were lined up all down the walls on either side. We stopped at the very end with three in front of us.

“Here you go.”

“What do you mean?”

“This is your family. I froze them because I see great potential in you for you to do amazing things and I want to be the one to get you to do those things. I am going to train you to be the very best, better than anyone el- what was that?” There was a ton of racket coming from down a hallway leading off to the right.

“I will be right back. You stay here.” He said as he strode of down the hallway. I looked at my family’s frozen faces then I decided to investigate the rest of the capsules. I examined every inch of the capsule that contained my mother. And right on the back was a conveniently places ‘release’ button. I pressed it and ran back to the front and saw that the blue liquid was draining, slowly unfreezing my mother. I quickly pressed the buttons on both my brother and my dad. Their capsules opened and they stepped out. I was in awe. It felt like I hadn’t seen them in ages.

“Rae! Oh honey it is so good to see you’re ok!” my mother said as she ran towards me. My mind seemed to waver when she spoke to me. When she hugged me a bright light flashed before my eyes.

“Rae, my baby girl! Come here you.” My father said pulling my mother and me into a group hug along with Luke. My mind felt an earthquake was happening in my brain. Then I a bright light shown in my eyes almost blinding me. I shut my eyes tight to block out the light.

When I open my eyes I see I am no longer in the capsule room. I’m in a hospital? Tubes were attached to my arms and breathing tubes on my face. I looked down to see my incredibly skinny legs emerging from a hospital gown. I looked to my left and saw my dad in a chair fast asleep, my hand in his. To my right sat my mom. Also fast asleep. Even in her sleep she looked unbearably sad. The sky outside was pitch black. At my feet laid my little brother Luke, he looks exactly like he did in my dream. I got so happy to see all my family around me, the heart beat monitor next to me started beeping faster, causing my dad to wake up.

“Rae. Sweetie, your awake.” My dad said as tears welled up in his eyes. He pulled me into a hug. Causing my mom and Luke to wake up. They all hugged my, then a shot of the capsules flashed before my eyes. Then it was the hospital again, but my family had worried looks on their faces.


“You have been lying there for five minutes just shivering.” My mom said anxiously.

“You scared us.” Said Luke. This was the first time he spoke.

“We thought you were going under again. That’s what happened last time.”

“What is going on?”

“Let me explain.” Said the doctor next to me that I didn’t even notice.

“You have been in a coma for two years after a terrible car accident. Your father carried you in with your eyes very distant, your mouth slightly open, barely breathing and shivering. You then went into a coma, we thought you would come out after a week or two but you stayed here for two years. You just now assumed the same state as when you first went under. But seeing you came back, you should be ok.”

“Can Rae play now?” asked Luke looking at the doctor.

“Not yet, she still has to remember how to walk again. Before you do get up, try stretching out your legs. I’m going to help you ok?” I nodded in response, speechless as to what I had just heard. The doctor helped my sit up them she helped me swing my legs over the side of the bed that she was on.

“Can you just move your feet from side to side? Good job. Now take your left leg and bring it up to about my knee level. You can do it. Good job. Now the same thing with the right leg. There you go. Now move your leg at the hip. Spread your legs to the side to warm up your hips. Now up and down. Good job, you should be ready to get up. Here put your hands on my shoulders and I will help you down.” She put her hands around my waist and lifted me off the bed and onto the icy floor. She held my and as I took my first steps in two years. They were a bit difficult at first but then they got easier the more I did.

I eventually could walk on my own without any help. It was an amazing feeling, I no longer minded the cold floor, I was walking again! Yay me!

Then, something occurred to me

“Dad, how old am I?”

“Your thirteen, sweetie.” My father replied. I’m a teenager? I thought, I certainly didn’t look it, skinny legs and arms frail body and a flat chest. I guess that is what lying down for two years does to you. I wondered if I had had any other dreams. I racked my brain trying to remember any but I only the very last one. Maybe I only had one.

The doctor she had to run some tests to make sure my body was doing all right. In the meantime she brought me some food and took a blood sample then went somewhere leaving my family and me in the room. It was kind of awkward as I was eating. There wasn’t anything to really talk about, so we just sat in silence.

When the doctor came back she talked to my parents while Luke and I stayed on the bed. To break the silence he said something quite shocking, coming from a seven year old.

“When you were asleep we were all very sad. We all cried. We couldn’t play any more. Daddy yelled at mommy for putting you here. What ever that means. Most of the time daddy would just stand by that window staring at nothing. We would come see you everyday then we would have to leave. Mommy never wanted to leave. At night Daddy would go down into the basement and swear while punching something hanging from the ceiling. He was very scary and hard to talk to. When you woke up I saw mommy and daddy happy for the first time in forever. Thank you for coming back. Don’t go away again, please stay here.” He said to me looking up from his toys.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” I said as tears welled up in my eyes. I pulled Luke into my arms and held him there for a long time. Not wanting to let him go. I never want to see his froze face again.

“I have some good news. Your blood test came back with good results. You should be ready to go home in about two days.”

“Why two days?” my father asked.

“Because we have certain food that we need to feed he to get her strength to start building again. There is also a walker we need to get fitted for her, since she is still not strong enough to walk long distances on her own. Is that ok with you Mr. Jones?”

“Yes that is fine. Give us a call when we should come pick her up.” My dad said bitterly.

“Sure thing.” My family said their goodbyes then headed home. The doctor ran a few more tests then brought me some food. A nurse brought in a tv. for me to pass the time. That is basically how the next two days went. I would sit in bed, eat what they gave me and watch tv. None of the references made any sense to me.

When it was my last day in the hospital I was overjoyed. A nurse brought me some real clothes to wear. I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. I felt like running around, although it was hard to do that with a walker. The doctor called my parents to say it was time. I could hear the excitement in my mom’s voice coming through the phone.

The doctor then informed me that I would need to go to a tutor over the summer because I was two grades behind other kids my age.

“Ok I’m fine with that.” I watched the clock, counting down the minutes till I got to go home. Then there was a knock on my door and my eyes burst open.

I look around and I’m in my room. Was all that a dream? But it was all so real.

“Come in.” I say as my mom opens the door. She looked different than in my dream.

“Time to get ready for school, sweetie.”

“Ok mom.” I get up and turn my light on. I look down and even I look different. I’m completely different than my dream. I’m taller and more developed and older. I guess I just dreamed up imaginary characters. Oh well nothing new. I get dreams like that all the time. I got dressed and combed out my long brown hair. Put on a little make up and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen to see my older brother Jake sitting at the table.

“Good morning, Jake.”

“Leave me alone, Aaliyah.”

“Well then, grumpy pants.” I poured my cereal and sat across from my brother. He was 17 while I was only 15. We were like most siblings, we almost never got along. Except for our powers. No one knew about them but us. They weren’t your ordinary flying or super speed. Although I had invisibility I had many others as well. I could transport, shape shift, which had the bonus of being able to eat without getting fat and I could also configure objects and humans if I wanted out of thin air. My favorite one was my freeze power. I could freeze anything, food, objects people, and even time. That has to be the best part. I have never figured out all my brother’s powers he never uses his like I do. I only know maybe two of his. But I don’t really care. He can’t transport so he has to walk to school. Sucks for him.

I got up from the kitchen table and put my bowl in the sink. And grab my stuff to head to school. I put on my shoes and give my mother a good-bye kiss. She was always hesitant about transporting to school but I haven’t been seen once so she still let me. I close my eyes and think of school. I feel my body getting lighter and lighter. Then I open my eyes to a bright light.

“Don’t make me ask you again.”

“Why not?” I have no idea where I am or how I got here but I seem to be in an interrogation room with a light shining in my eyes. Then everything came back to me.

“Because I will arrest you. Now where is the lab?”

“Its on the North mountain in the cave at the very top. Quiet simple to get to really. Just climb up the mountain for about 40 miles then you’ll be there. Have fun.”

“Get the team together! We are going to go climbing!” The cop called to an assistant. She nodded and headed out the door.

“Can I go now?” I asked.

“Nope, you’re going to be my guide.”

“What! No way it is simple to find, don’t make me go back up there. They fired me. They don’t want me back. Find it yourself.” I said spitting out the last part. Then out of nowhere he smashes the lamp against my head and everything goes blank.

“Wha…where am I?” I seemed to be nowhere. I was just floating in space. When I looked around there was nothing and I didn’t seem to have a body. What the f***?

“I see you have awoken. I have brought you here because I have nowhere else to put. You are not ready to be transporting bodies. You are not quiet strong enough. I will train you later but now you must wait. You will be very important one, just be patient.” Although I did not know the voice, I understood everything. I will just have to wait.

The End

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