Fall of A King | Teen Ink

Fall of A King

January 23, 2014
By ShatteredOath BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ShatteredOath BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"It’s been a while."
"So it has."
"He’s stronger than you now."
"I doubt that. No one matches me."
"You die tonight Seghre."
"Morgan we know you wouldn't chance such a little grub to fight me."
"You are a fool."
I watched him sneak up and jump. Seghre is smarter than that. We both knew it. The brute whirls around and hits Morded’s head hard. My boy falls to the ground but not in defeat, he swipes at the fools ankles with his foot. The brute stumbles slightly. Maybe Morded wasn't ready yet… Had I made a mistake? Was he not the one I should have used? Maybe I should have talked with that creepy blue blood more… As I pondered my decisions my face was splattered with fuchsia blood. All three of us where fuchsia so it made me snap from my delusions and to attention. The head rolled some way before his horns stopped it. Never did like those horns.

I stumble my way to mother. He had left a nice gash in my arm… Nothing that can’t be fixed. She hugs me as best she can with tears steaming down her face.

"I’m…… So proud of you……"
"Lets…… Go hive alright? We can take care of his body later……"

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