Henry and the Monkeys | Teen Ink

Henry and the Monkeys

January 19, 2014
By Sidnee GOLD, Boonville, North Carolina
Sidnee GOLD, Boonville, North Carolina
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Henry the giraffe lives in The Amazon with a group of monkeys. The chief of the monkeys, Lewis is Henry's best friend. Their friendship is based on tricking each other but this time Henry went too far.
Henry and Lewis are used to playing small tricks on each other, but they always resolved it and laughed about it together. Henry was more of a trickster and Lewis just enjoyed fooling around.
So one day Henry decides to take all the bananas off the trees and eat them himself. This left Lewis and the other monkeys no food for the week.
Later that day Lewis confronted Henry and asked him where the bananas were. Knowing Henry played tricks on them continuously, they knew it was Henry.
Lewis and the monkeys decided to get back at Henry by stealing all the leaves off his favorite tree.
Instead of the monkeys eating them they confronted Henry with the leaves. They told Henry they would eat all the leaves if he didn't give back their bananas.
Instead of the monkeys eating them they confronted Henry with the leaves. They told Henry they would eat all the leaves if he didn't give back their bananas.
Henry started to cry, he had ate all the bananas and couldn't return them.
Henry realized he shouldn't do bad things to others if he doesn't want them to do bad things to him.
The monkeys gave him back the leaves and accepted his apology and Henry promised to never play tricks again.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't trick people unless you can handle the consequences. If you don’t want it done to you , don’t do it to others.

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