Luck adds to Wealth | Teen Ink

Luck adds to Wealth

January 17, 2014
By Emily_M. SILVER, Spring Valley, California
Emily_M. SILVER, Spring Valley, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"If you can guess what I have in my pocket, you can have it." This phrase is said all across my school campus, Washington Middle. Hi, my name is Annabel, and I am a intellectual student, not one of the "cool kids" in any way. I enjoy working on math and science and always get A's. Even with a good brain, never could I guess as to what anyone had in their pockets. Although, I could probably blame not trying. Even if I wanted to guess they all make fun of me. Sometimes, it's chewed gum or something else and they just say I can have it anyway. Somehow, this game has become famous within my school. Never could I guess that this game could change my life like it did.
Walking across campus heading to chemistry I was stopped by these football playing jerks, who of course asked me what they had in their pockets. Wishing to get passed them I just blurt the first thing I can think of, "A Hundred Dollar Bill." And suddenly, before I could even comprehend what was happening, the football player pulled his hand out of his pocket, revealing his $100 bill, and slowly handed it to me, looking as shocked as I felt. He stalked off, seemingly paralyzed by this incident. I stared at the money, and decided that it was probably a hoax and pocketed the cash. When I returned home however, I carefully examined the bill and realized it was a completely real $100 dollar bill. I stood at my desk staring at it, mouth agape, wondering what to do.
The next day at school I brought the money with me and searched for the football player. When I told him I didn't feel right taking this much money from him, he simply replied that "you guessed correctly, and I said you could have it if you guessed it." Off he went again. So I pocketed the cash and walked the opposite way.
On my way to math class I was stopped by an older gentleman in his forties. He introduced himself as the father of the football player, and wanted to make a deal with me. He stated how his family never lost a round of that guessing game, and said if I couldn't guess what was in his pocket correctly then I would give the money back, but if I did guess correctly I could keep both. Knowing that I never had real luck besides the day before, I accepted and just blurt out the first thing in my head.
And that is how I eventually obtained $100 from a fellow student, and from his father a car, keys to the classes at school, and a solid gold Rolex watch. After selling the watch, returning the keys for a reward, and riding around a little in a new car, my whole life looked up. I could get nice clothes, new glasses, and much needed school supplies. With what I had left over I have deposited in a savings account and will now be able to go to a University. Life has become easier, and because of my new style I have obtained a few new friends. Who knew simply guessing randomly would help a life so much.

The author's comments:
I was given a prompt to write a story starting with "If you can guess what I have in my pocket, you can have it." And from it sprouted this


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