Short Peter | Teen Ink

Short Peter

January 13, 2014
By omar k BRONZE, City, Illinois
omar k BRONZE, City, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Peter was very vulnerable. He was born with a special thing about him, he was only 1 foot tall. Everywhere he went, he felt so vulnerable. Pete has had this “condition” his whole life. Most of the time, Pete is not satisfied. There are some times, however, when Pete does find some positives in being 1 foot tall.

One day, Pete decided to take a walk. “What a nice day it is.” Pete said. He started to walk down the sidewalk. A 3 year old kid approached and accidentally sat on him. “Damn, now I smell like poopoo.” Pete said.

Pete walked along the sidewalk, discouraged because he smelled like poo. Luckily,it rained the night before. Pete found a nearby puddle and decided to bathe in it.

All of a sudden, a frog jumped into the puddle and slapped Pete with its flippers.
“Wow, I am so vulnerable.” Pete said as he left the puddle and started to walk home.

Pete was nearly home when his 105 year old neighbor, Bertha, was vacuuming her lawn. Pete was right in the path of her vacuum. Pete shouted for Bertha to stop, but her old ears didn’t work and she was blind. Bertha sucked Pete into the vacuum on accident.

The author's comments:
Writing about a super short guy looked cool.

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