I wish I could go back in time | Teen Ink

I wish I could go back in time

December 6, 2013
By Jyoti Makhijani BRONZE, Pune, Other
Jyoti Makhijani BRONZE, Pune, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the loud sound of honking traffic jam there I was thinking if I would be able to reach my friend's nineteenth birthday party on time. I was headed to the bowling alley on KN road. Within the next five minutes 'it all happened'. I was shattered. It felt like a big chunk of my heart died. My sister like friend Kate was no more. She just turned nineteen today. I wish I could have punched against time and brought her back. I was in complete shock. My brain stopped functioning, the world around me stood still.
Two months later.....
To offer Kate condolences all her friends decided to start a keep the youth safe initiative. Doing this gave me inner peace and happiness. It felt like Kate was watching me from up in the sky and was giving her amazing smile to me as always. No one can ever take Kate's place in my life. She will always live in our hearts forever and ever......

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